Monday, December 1, 2014

Most destructive Weapon is not the Bomb

Under the title: “Iran's not-so-hidden hidden agenda,” Michael Rubin wrote an article that was published on November 27, 2014 in the Dallas News. He ends the article with these words: “now is not the time to allow Iran to … march toward the most destructive weapons known to mankind.” He means the nuclear bomb which is admittedly a destructive weapon but is nowhere near being as destructive as the Jewish ideology.

This is the ideology that spawned a culture pretending to be a religion, and a philosophy of life pretending to be humanistic. It is in reality a culture of destruction, and a philosophy of death. It has already cost mankind millions if not billions of lives since the beginning of time. The way it operates is indicated by none other than the current Michael Rubin article; by most of the articles he wrote in the past, and by the thousands upon thousands of articles that were written over time by others like him … all advocating and glorifying war, war, war.

If war is defined as a clash between two armies that were prepared for it, the Jews never fought such a war. They always incited someone else to fight it for them. But if war means to be given the most advanced weapons of the epoch, and use them to slaughter disarmed men, women and children … sneaking on them in the middle of the night and showering them with bombs from hundreds of feet up in the sky – then it must be said that the Jews are veterans of such cowardly wars, and champions of the bloodbaths that result.

To get someone to fight for them the wars they cannot fight, and to get someone to give them the weapons they cannot make, the Jews have mastered an approach that is unique to them. It consists of slandering a would-be enemy, of making false predictions about him and of speculating as to his motives while stressing that he is more than the enemy of the Jews; he is the enemy of mankind, including those whom the Jews are inciting to get mobilized and get prepared to fight against.

Thus, you see Michael Rubin begin the article by asserting without offering a shred of evidence that for Iranian officials, the failure to reach a final agreement “is going according to plan.” And this is because the Iranians harbor bad motives, he says, in that they want to relieve the pressure imposed on their economy. What a crime! The Iranians want to relieve the pressure on their economy; can you believe it? This is as bad as pointing out that Obama wants to feed the children of America before fighting useless wars of the kind that America always loses. What a scandal! Impeach, impeach.

Since it is not enough to speak of the Iranians in the abstract, Michael Rubin assigns the role of villain to Hassan Rouhani, the current President of Iran. He says that: “his efforts are window-dressing, meant to distract attention from Tehran's true aims,” however evil those aims may be. Still, having made the assertion, the author attributes the evil to the entire Iranian leadership. To buttress this argument, he does two typically Jewish things. First, he pretends to know what “the Iranian leadership says in Persian to their public.” And second, he says that the intonation “Death to America” (which is sometimes heard when Iranians gather to denounce an American belligerent action against them) “is not mere rhetoric.” He does not explain that “death to something” in Persian is the equivalent of “down with something,” which is often intoned in English.

Poor Michael Rubin. Realizing that there is not enough here to incite America to go after Iran, he makes a big gamble. He says that Rouhani publicly “outlined a doctrine of surprise in which Iran would lull the United States into complacency, before delivering a knockout blow.” And that's not all because the man later bragged that “he merely used diplomacy to trick the West all the while furthering Iran's nuclear program.” In short, Rubin says that Rouhani telegraphed what he was going to do, he went ahead and did it, and little Rubin caught it but the entire West missed it. This is self-delusion that is so bizarre; it does not work even in fiction.

Finally, Rubin comes down to the real purpose of his article. He is worried about the future of Israel, he says, because Iran threatens its existence. He then does something that tells the readers they must not believe a word he says. Look at the following and marvel at the mentality of this man: “Iran's quest to arm itself with long-range missiles leaves America's Arab allies jittery.”

Oh what an idiot! This guy never looked at the map of the Middle East. If he did, he would have seen that the Arabs are Iran's closest neighbors. If Iran wanted to attack them, it would not develop long-range missiles. In fact, the only ones jittery in the Middle East are the Israeli leaders because they know that if and when Iran will be equipped with a long retaliatory arm, they will have to think twice before falling into the Jewish habit of barking threatening insults at that country.

Ignorant of all that, and believing that he made his point as powerfully as it can be made; Rubin now wants to add icing on the cake. And so, he loftily declares: “Furthermore, we cannot ignore that Iran remains the world's premier state sponsor of terrorism.” He may or may not believe this, but he must be aware that the world knows Israel to be the only terrorist state on this planet, and that America remains its main sponsor.

And what would be a Michael Rubin article without a comical relief at the end? And so, the author puts a smile on the face of his readers by speaking of an Iran that has everyone knocking at its door seeking to do business with it – as if it were the miserable little thing they call Israel. That's the thing which is often seen on its knees begging America to battle an international community that's boycotting it and refusing to accord it any legitimacy. Look how Rubin turned that reality on its head: “If Iran can derive international legitimacy by talking, why make compromises?” The fact is that Iran does not lack legitimacy; Israel does.

And the author does not stop here. He goes on to say: “the time is ripe for toughening the sanctions until Iran complies with the international community.” The trouble is, he doesn't say if he means the international community of this planet or that of another planet or maybe the planet of his imagination.

On a more serious note, think about it: thousands upon thousands of this sort of articles published over the decades without someone pushing back, is what turned superpower America into super-joke America. And these guys are still hungry for more. But guess what; there are still a number of pitiful American legislators willing to listen to them and further debase America for the glory of Israel.