Saturday, January 14, 2017

A Call to bomb yet another Arab Country

If you define a chronic disease as being a condition that manifests itself with recurring symptoms, and keeps you feeling sick whether or not the symptoms have flared up, you must consider the Jewish influence on America to be a chronic disease.

There is no place in America where you can go, and there is no time when you can be, without encountering a Jew or a disciple thereof who will not tell you that an Arab or a Muslim country must be bombed. He will follow up with the accusation that America is derelict in its duty because it is not bombing the country. Well, the time has come to admit that Judaism is a disease that's taking its toll on America; a nation that's crying out for a cure.

An occurrence that just flared up came under the title: “Return of the Red Line?” written by Jeryl Bier and published on January 13, 2017 in the Weekly Standard. To set the stage for justifying the lament that America is unwilling to bomb Syria even though it is so obligated; Bier commits a massive intellectual fraud and builds on it.

He uses a discussion that took place between Secretary of State John Kerry and journalist Judy Woodruff, as a stepping stone, to speak of two different things as if they were one and the same thing. The two things are two groups of chemicals, one of which is banned, the other not. The banned group comprises napalm, sarin, anthrax, nerve gas, phosphoric compounds and the like. The group that's not banned comprises all kinds of explosives, including those which are based on chlorine.

Bier says that Syria used chlorine bombs during the recent civil war, therefore must be bombed according to the “redline” warning that President Obama issued some time ago. Instead of lamenting that chlorine is not on the list of banned chemicals, he talks about it as if it were. He does that by creating the kind of informational noise which distracts the reader from the reality of the lie he is peddling.

Here is how he went about it. First, he quoted John Kerry saying this: “President Obama never retreated from his redline … never changed his mind that you don't use chemical weapons.” He then quoted a posting on the State Department blog which says this: “an international panel concluded that Syria used chlorine bombs...” He did so without explaining that President Obama spoke of the banned group of chemical, whereas the State Department referred to the unbanned group – two different things.

Of course, if Jeryl Bier and those like him were not the intellectual frauds that they are, they would be talking about a Syria that promised to give up its banned chemical weapons when asked to do so, and kept its promise. And they would use this example as a stepping stone to speak about an Israel that's the only entity to have used two of the banned chemical weapons, napalm and the phosphoric compounds, but has not yet been censured.

Despite the fact that Syria did not use the banned chemicals unlike Israel that did, Syria was held accountable and continues to be censured by Europe and by the American State Department as well as the White House. Here is what Jeryl Bier says the State Department has stated:

“The U.S. supports the UK and France to pursue accountability through the UNSC resolution, imposing targeted sanctions on the individuals and entities in Syria … It is crucial that all those responsible for the use of chemical weapons be held accountable...”

He went on to say “the Treasury Department announced that eighteen Syrian regime officials connected with Syria's weapons of mass destruction program would be targets of U.S. sanctions”.

Despite all this, Jeryl Bier and others like him, asked why the American “threatened military response was not triggered?” When they did not get a response that would satisfy them, Bier went on to lament as follows:

“Just as with the State Department, however, the White House was silent on the original 'red line' threat of military action.” And military action is what he and his cohorts were hoping for.

Blood is what these people live for. Blood is what they are not getting. And this is why their hearts are filled with longing and sadness.