Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Cut that shameful Umbilical Cord, America

The Paris Conference on the Middle East came and went, and what it accomplished will gradually be revealed as time passes. Meanwhile, we know what was accomplished in the Jewish media here in North America. There was wailing and the blowing of entrails before the start of the conference. And there is derision and fuming now that the conference has ended.

As usual, the wailing started when someone looked at the tea leaves and thought he was seeing dots crying out to be connected. And so, he connected the vote at the UN Security Council condemning Israel for robbing the Palestinians, to the speech that was delivered by John Kerry on the same subject, to the Paris Peace Conference that was in the offing. And everyone that is of the same mentality – from Netanyahu down to the smallest pundit – saw a conspiracy in the making aimed at delegitimizing Israel. And they all blew their entrails out of the belly as they wailed the bloody murder chant.

But now that none of what they predicted has come to pass, the same characters are deriding what did not happen. They are also fuming because they view what did not happen as the happening that will have nefarious consequences for Israel. You can see how this mode of ambiguous thinking progresses when you go over the article that came under the title: “The Paris Peace Conference,” written by Elliott Abrams and published on January 15, 2017 on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Abrams started to tell the story the way that most lullabies begin: “once upon a time.” He did not mean the current conference but the one that was held in 1919 to end World War I. And right there, in that same paragraph, you could see where the twisted mind of the author intended to take the reader. Look at this passage: “...it is striking that the French would wish to make a mockery of their own history by convening a useless conference on almost the same date – today, January 15.” The man is so obsessed with the idea of conspiracy; he thought that the French conspired against themselves.

Once you've seen this, you don't get surprised to learn that this same mentality would brush aside the 70 countries (representing 90 percent of the planet's population) that attended the conference. But there must be a reason why this many delegations, including 40 foreign ministers – among them America's own John Kerry – would want “to sit through an entire day of boring speeches.” So you think, there must have been something big at the end of it all. Was there not?

You, being the normal human being that you are, would think that way. But these guys are anything but normal. And that's what Elliott Abrams proved to be. What he saw at the end of it was this: “You get the whole weekend in Paris. I'll bet most arrived Friday for a good dinner, then you have Saturday free for shopping, then another dinner … who would say no.” It's a lullaby that tells of high and mighty men and women who are so petty, they pretend to search for peace so as to get two free dinners and the opportunity to shop in Paris.

Is there something else that hits you in the face like a baseball bat in the hands of a madman? Yes, there is. You'll recall that Elliott Abrams wrote an article on September 26, 2016 in the Weekly Standard under the title: "‘Historic’ in the Worst Way” in which he clobbered Barack Obama with the proverbial baseball bat for giving Israel only 38 billion dollars. Well, guess what, my friend. Here he is now shedding crocodile tears for this: “For John Kerry this is a swan song at God knows what cost to American taxpayers.” This guy and his “people” are totally and permanently detached from the rhythm of human norms.

And they know they are at odds with the rest of humanity. Look at Abrams express that sentiment in a typically Jewish fashion: “To treat the government of Israel and the PLO as if their desire for peace were identical is wrong and unfair.” Of course, it is wrong and unfair. The Jews stole three quarters of Palestine, are in the process of stealing the rest, and want no one to interfere with their activity. Knowing that America is helping the process, the Palestinians had no choice but to go to Court (the UN Security Council) and to the court of public opinion (the Paris Peace Conference). They want the world to interfere, and work to end their half-century nightmare.

That's not true, says Abrams: Israel is not stealing Palestinian properties at a speed that should worry someone. He insists that Jewish settlements are not growing at a pace that is “increasingly rapid, uncontrollable, endless or limitless. Settlement populations are growing at [only] four percent a year,” he asserts. And this is how “only” 750,000 Jews were planted in the midst of 1.8 million Palestinians. They represent a horde of illegal aliens equal to “only” 42 percent of the Palestinian population in the West Bank. It is like injecting “only” 134 million illegal aliens into America. And that's “only” 12 times the existing number.

If only these people could be made to feel the disgust they generate in other human beings when they let out the stinky logic of their decomposing mentality!

Elliott Abrams ends his article in the typically ambiguous Jewish style: “The conference will soon go down as yet another feeble effort to undermine Israel's legitimacy … It is another diplomatic blow against the Jewish state, trying to isolate it”.

But Israel was invited to the conference where it could have presented its views. What it did, however, was reject the invitation, isolate itself and let loose the henchmen who slandered everyone for isolating it.

Don't try to figure this one out. Just take it for granted that these people are hopeless.