Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Now that negative propaganda is backfiring

Jonathan Tobin did the usual Jewish routine of picking up a pen and a notebook intending to do mischief. He went to look at himself in the mirror where he identified everything that's ugly about his Jewishness, and tried to record it. But the moment that he started writing what he was seeing, the mirror blew in his face.

It is that Jonathan Tobin had no intention to write an article about how ugly the Jews are starting to look in the eyes of humanity once again. On the contrary, he intended to do the usual thing, which was to attribute to the Iranian mullahs the ugliness he was seeing in himself. The mirror got fed up with this beastly charade and so, it blew up to tell the Jew he should not forget the lessons of the past, or he'll end up paying a stiff price the way that Jews have done for centuries.

Undeterred by that warning, Tobin dug deep into his memory in search of a description of ugliness he might have attributed to others. He found one and used it to write the article that the mirror was trying to forbid him from writing. As you'll see, he wrote the article in the innocuous style of pleading for something legitimate while throwing at the mullahs the ugly attributes he once saw in himself.

The article that Jonathan S. Tobin wrote came under the title: “Why is Mnuchin pushing for a return to appeasement of Iran?” and the subtitle: “Iran's people deserve sympathy for their coronavirus suffering. But the regime that oppresses them is still working on a dangerous nuclear program deserves none.” It was published on March 30, 2020 on the website of the Jewish News Syndicate.

Consider this, my friend, despite that in December of 2019 very little was known about the coronavirus, what Tobin calls autocratic China, as well as most Asian countries muddled through the pandemic the best way they could and came out of the ordeal no worse than any bad experience they suffered previously.

Now consider that three months later, in March of 2020, enough was known about the virus to provide 'Liberal democratic America,' as well as Italy and other Western countries, the knowledge to design a method of prevention that could have spared their populations the ravages of coronavirus. Did they design such a method? No, they didn't.

Look now how Jonathan Tobin started his discussion: “The Tyrants of Tehran are in trouble. The coronavirus pandemic has hit Iran particularly hard. That's due, in no small measure to the fact that, like their counterparts in China, the theocrats running the country suppressed news about the spread of the deadly disease, hampering efforts to contain it.” Shameless as always, Tobin had the gall to say that the West did a better job fighting the pandemic than the Asians.

But was Jonathan Tobin expressing these opinions tongue-in-cheek? No, he wasn't. In fact, he was deadly serious … as serious as a criminally insane escapee that doesn't know right from wrong. The scary part is that Tobin is not alone in this predicament. Most of those who convert to Judaism, go from sane to insane as instantly as they go from being a member of the human race to being a wandering Jew in search of an American national to exploit and a Palestinian national to rob and kill.

Given that the Iranians have shown willingness to stand up and fight for the rights of the Palestinian people, the Jews have wanted to wipe the Iranians from the face of the Earth. But because they cannot do it themselves, they want the Americans to do it for them. Being the suckers that they are, the Americans accepted the invitation and tried to obliterate the Iranians … but guess what happened, my friend. The Americans could not kick the Iranian ass, but had their ass kicked by the Iranians.

Having displayed bravado by beating their breasts and declaring that they were applying on Iran the maximum pressure campaign that was prescribed by the Jewish comical outfit calling itself defender of the democracies, the Americans were surprised to see the Iranians kick American asses and win the approval of the world.

Steven Mnuchin that happens to be the American Secretary of the Treasury saw the light and realized that the Americans have been stupid far too long and so, recommended that America do a hundred and eighty degrees turn. He wants to see his country go back to being a member of the civilized world again.

This is what prompted Jonathan Tobin to start doing what Jews always do, and that is to slander the Iranians in the hope of persuading Steven Mnuchin he should go back to being a stupid American, and get into the business of advocating the self-destructive policy of antagonizing everyone the Israelis choose to be their enemy of the day.

Seeing the light is like the toothpaste coming out of the tube. It doesn't go back in again. And so, the chances that Mnuchin will go back to being a sucker again, are slim.

As to Jonathan Tobin, he'll continue to advocate what is losing traction in America and around the world because he gets paid enough to live the high life at the expense of America's taxpayers. This guy still knows how to milk the suckers real good after all.