Friday, April 3, 2020

Watch the Formation of an artificial Paradigm

What's the difference between a machine and a conspiracy? Very little, is the answer. In fact, both have so much in common, it's hard at times to tell the difference between the cog of a conspiratorial group that has gone rogue, and the cog of a machine that's beginning to act up.

Consider this. You walk into the hall of a large corporation, and see that it is divided into cubicles, each housing one employee doing a precisely defined job. You get the sense that these are the cogs of a machine, who were trained to perform well defined tasks at different moments so that in the end, the machine will have produced the desired outcome.

Whereas this is an artificial machine that was constructed according to the designs of the human mind, it is a late comer in a domain that has been evolving naturally for millions of years. In fact, it happens that when specimen of a flora and a fauna get trapped on an island, such as the Galapagos for example, they undergo modifications to their physical construct so as to adapt and become parts of an ecological system that's working harmoniously with each other like a well-oiled machine.

What this demonstrates is that you need not have verbal communication to create a functioning conspiracy. Whether you're looking at a bee pollinating a flower, or a soccer player positioning himself to catch the ball his teammate will kick in a direction known to him but no one else, or you're looking at politicians executing a subtle strategy, you can be certain that the conspiracy will be completed without verbal communication.

What this creates in the end, is a paradigm that serves as a template to which every newcomer will have to adapt to become a team player in the conspiracy. In fact, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to witness the creation of a new paradigm, and the chance that we'll see it develop into a full-blown conspiracy … unless something drastic changes all that.

The three specimen that began to lay the foundation for the new paradigm are Ben Weingarten the pundit, Tiana Lowe the journalist and Marco Rubio the politician. All three took part in a blitzkrieg against the World Health Organization in a clear attempt to snatch it away from the highly fruitful relationship it has developed with the government of China.

Ben Weingarten wrote an article that came under the title: “As Long As Communist China Controls The World Health Organization, It's Completely Unreliable,” and the subtitle: “While the WHO gives China its imprimatur, evidence continues to mount of China's malign role in every aspect of this epidemic.” It was published on March 31, 2020 in The Federalist.

Tiana Lowe wrote an article that came under the title: “World Health Organization's China bootlicking and bad science has destroyed its credibility,” published on April 1, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.

Marco Rubio wrote an article that came under the title: “Health First?” and the subtitle: “While its rank-and-file do essential work, its leadership shamefully appeases Beijing –– and spurns Taiwan,” published on April 1, 2020 in National review Online.

To see how mutilated the Weingarten logic can get, recall the following vignette as you read his article. The story unfolds like this: The American president is giving a news conference talking about healthcare issues. A reporter from sub-Saharan Africa interrupts him to ask, “What would you say to the new leader of Black Lives Matter, demanding that he be given half of Texas on which to build an independent Muslim nation?” And the American president responds by saying that there is only one indivisible America.” And Weingarten, that happens to be standing there, points the finger at the American President and cries out: You're politicizing the issue, you're politicizing the issue!

Well, my friend, nothing can be more Jewish than this because nothing can be more screwy than this. It is the principle upon which Weingarten has constructed his article in the grand conspiratorial scheme to create the paradigm he hopes will culminate in the snatching of WHO away from China, or causing its destruction.

As to Tiana Lowe, she makes it clear that she doesn't like anyone that likes someone she hates. Since everyone in the world seems to like someone she might hate, it follows that she hates everyone in the world, including herself. And that brings out an interesting thought. She should run to head the WHO. This way the world will hate the organization enough to work on destroying it, which is what she wants to do.

As to Marco Rubio, he is a bootlicker of the kind that Tiana Lowe hates. The difference is that he is not licking Chinese boots; he is licking Jewish boots. Maybe that's because the Chinese walk in the kind of terrain that Marco Rubio does not find appetizing.

But given that there is a burgeoning relationship between China and Israel, the Chinese might want to ask the Israelis what kind of terrain will make Marco Rubio lick Chinese boots.

If the Israelis give out the secret, the paradigm that's in the making will take a different turn. It will not snatch the WHO away from China but will turn Ben Weingarten into a cog for a new propaganda machine that will work in America in the service of the Chinese government.

It will be interesting to watch as all of this develops.