Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Where to, Human Beings of Planet Earth?

To simplify the discussion on a complex subject, we divide our civilizational journey into the pre-industrial and post-industrial ages. And let’s restrict our discussion to the latter. So we ask: What did those who were in charge of humanity, try to accomplish since the start of the industrial age?

Well, we begin by observing that they were in charge of humanity because they had the guns that made it possible for them to impose their will on others. In fact, imposing their will has been the hallmark of their character. It is not surprising, therefore, that they became the colonial powers that exploited the planet for the benefit of their people at the expense of everyone else.

But then, those powers became so greedy conquering other lands, they fought each other over who gets what of the spoils. But while this was happening over several decades –– culminating in two world wars –– other activities were taking place. It is that, movements for independence, were forming in the colonies. In fact, by the time the Second World War had come to an end, most colonies were liberated. Those that were not, continued the struggle for another decade or so till they too gained independence.

While that was the main plot characterizing the civilizational drama that carried us from the Industrial Revolution to the present, two subplots –– one Jewish and one American –– were running parallel to the main plot. The subplots began to mesh with the main right after the Second World War, adding complexity to the unfolding drama of our journey on the road to civilization.

The Jews are the supposed offshoot of an ancient tribe called Hebrew. Its members never settled the land to create an empire, preferring instead to infiltrate the existing ones, and plot to take them over from within. The Jews tried their luck in ancient times going after Egypt, Persia and other jurisdictions. Centuries later, they were in Europe plotting to take over one or more of the nation states there. Having failed at every turn, they turned their attention to America in the New World.

There is very little historical evidence as to how close the Jews came to taking over any of the ancient empires. As to their gamble with the nation states of modern time, their experience in Europe has been a horrifying nightmare. As to their ongoing relation with America, it shows that they learned nothing from their sordid past. Two articles shed a great deal of light as to what the Jews –– who now run America's foreign policy –– are trying to accomplish.

One article came under the title: “Maintaining Western influence in Africa as China seeks world domination,” and the subtitle: “Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania offer great strategic and regional importance.” It was written by Bob Kasten and published on April 8, 2020 in the Washington Times,

The other article came under the title: “Mapping China's Health Silk Road,” and the subtitle: “As part of its effort to position itself as global health leader in the COVID-19 pandemic, China has resurrected the 'Health Silk Road' moniker, suggesting that the concept may take on new importance.” It was written by Kirk Lancaster, Michael Rubin and Mira Rapp-Hopper, and published on April 10, 2020 on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations.

What comes out the article authored by Lancaster, Rubin and Rapp-Hopper, is that China looks like the eminent elder statesman who was incapacitated for a while, but has regained his strength, and exerting his moral authority the way he used to in ancient times. What is striking about the article, however, is that it brings in juxtaposition two radically different mentalities. On the one hand, you have a China that speaks of all humanity as if it were one family. On the other hand, you have the three writers, posing as “Westerners,” who speak in terms of the us-vs-them mentality. This makes them imagine a scheme designed to take over the world in every good deed that the Chinese propose.

And while the three writers see China as guilty of something, you encounter the true culprit in the Bob Kasten article, where he speaks of four countries –– Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania –– in the Northwest of Africa, not as independent nations filled with people that have aspirations and plans for the future, but strategic assets and important players that the West must bring into the fold, and keep them there.

In fact, this is how the Jews modified the colonial game to make it look more palatable to the Europeans who experienced an “Amazing Grace” moment, feeling remorse for what their forefathers did. But that’s what made them resolve to combat every kind of modern colonization they see forming anywhere in the world.

For now, the battle is ongoing between the Europeans and the Jews who call themselves Israelis, now busy strengthening their colonial grip on Palestine and its powerless people.

And while those Jews are engaged in that kind of activities, other Jews are exploiting America's might to do battle against the Chinese whose philosophy of “live and let live” is preventing the Jews from doing to other places what they are doing in Palestine.

Thus, the world in which we live today, has become the battlefield on which combat is raging between China that wants to live and let live, and an America that’s controlled by Jews whose philosophy of life is rooted in the pre-civilized Stone Age of thousands of years ago.

Only time will tell where that combat will take the rest of us.