Sunday, January 17, 2021

Is this Misunderstanding or is it Mockery?

 When you read the title of an article that says: “Biden Doesn't Need a New Middle East Policy,” followed by a subtitle that says: “The Trump Administration Got the Region Right,” you think that maybe this is meant to mock the current situation, or maybe there is a misunderstanding somewhere, because you know it isn't so.


We're talking about an article that James F. Jeffrey wrote under that title and subtitle, and had it published on January 15, 2021 in Foreign Policy. There can be no doubt that the title and subtitle were written by someone other than the author of the article who could not be of such split personality as to say one thing and highlight another thing. So, here is an abbreviated version of what Jeffrey actually said:


“Trump made clear he would support Israeli and Turkish actions against Iran and would rely on the Gulf states to stand up to Tehran. The US would complement these efforts, selling weapons. The administration was generally cautious about using military power. The administration also made clear that it would openly back Israel when it came to Palestinian issues. The jury is still out on whether the policy worked. The result is a stalemate. Absent a negotiated solution, the messy war of attrition will likely continue. Turkey's opposition to America's Syrian-Kurdish partner in the northeast complicated the relationship. Over the last four years, Trump scored two major successes in the Middle East––the Abraham Accords and the destruction of ISIS's territorial caliphate in Iraq and Syria. Trump did not solve the Iranian nuclear challenge. By recent Middle East standards all this together is a respectable policy outcome”.


Nothing in that performance warrants the description attributed to it by the title and subtitle of the article. Yes, James Jeffrey is proud of the small accomplishments that were scored having been a member of the team that worked on these matters, otherwise Jeffrey made no fantastic claim. He does have his own prejudices, however, one being that he considers an accomplishment, Trump siding openly with Israel against the Palestinians on matters relating to Palestine.


A common misrepresentation James Jeffrey has repeated, is that of America defeating ISIS in Syria. This is patently false because the truth is that Assad's ground forces backed by Russia's air force were the ones that destroyed ISIS in Syria. In fact, they did it despite the reality that ISIS and the other terror groups which came from around the world, were armed and financed by America and its allies.


This being one of the two major successes James Jeffrey says were scored by Donald Trump over his four-year tenure as President of the United States, let's look at the other claim. It is the so-called Abraham Accords. We must be careful now because history will not be fooled as to what happened in this case. Here is what really happened:


Donald Trump told Jared Kushner to sit with Benjamin Netanyahu and write the plan that will satisfy the latter's limitless greed. Kushner did exactly that, and when their demonic scheme was presented to the Arabs, it was dead on arrival. Some people called the scheme more stinky than a used toilet paper, but as Ahmadinejad would say it, this was like the cloth in which you blow your nose.


Having tried and failed, Donald Trump gave up on this project, and so did Jared Kushner that had no idea how to approach a task of this kind to begin with. As to Netanyahu, he wrung his hands with glee because maintaining the status quo is what he wanted all along. But then it happened that the polls in America started showing that Donald Trump was slipping, and that he could lose the bid to get reelected President of the United States. A panicky Trump got on the phone and told Netanyahu to accept the Arab Initiative that has been on the table for nearly two decades, or else.


Netanyahu had no choice but to do what he is known doing shamelessly: he spoke from both sides of his mouth. He said yes from one side of the mouth, and said maybe from the other side. A number of Arab countries told him to start giving the Palestinians their country back, and Netanyahu said he wanted time to work things with his partners. The Arabs said they don't have an eternity, and Netanyahu said he has the wild card known as the joker. The Arabs asked, “what is that?” and Netanyahu said: Watch me.


Upon this, Netanyahu played the wild card for the fourth time in a row. He did it by calling for a so-called election because it is the trick that's supposed to make him look democratic, hip and chic without having to demonstrate any level of intellectual honesty.


So, this is the legacy that Donald Trump is leaving behind for future historians to look at and marvel at the American disarray that has been plaguing our time.


Also, without allowing for the possibility that James Jeffrey might have been mocking the so-called accomplishments of Donald Trump, this will be the history that future students will look at and wonder: Why the hell do we have to waste time studying this sort of nonsense?