Thursday, January 7, 2021

There is no Capitulation where there is no War

 Playing the game of rival against rival always starts innocently. It is meant to give the players a necessary experience for survival while joyfully experiencing the winning of one round while knowing that you will inevitably lose another round at another time.


We, members of the human species, have inherited a trait from the carnivores that hunt for food. It is the playing of physical games that serve as training to prepare us for when we must fight a defensive war, or one of premeditated aggression. The moment that the young carnivores can stand on their legs, they engage in playful games that help them sharpen their reflexes, strengthen their muscles, and help them develop techniques to overpower the prey.


Left to themselves, human children tend to engage in similar activities among siblings and with other children. When they see them play rough, the adults intervene to make sure that the children do not go as far as hurt each other. Whereas the carnivores instinctively know there is a demarcation line between the training game and the actual hunt, children of the human species are taught that sportsman-like games and training for war, are not meant to harm the opponent.


As in all human endeavors, the rules and principles of physical interactions, have analogues in human non-physical interactions. In the way that children play to train for the battles of the future, adults engage in battles of wit. They do it for training purposes, but also to win a prize that can be as pricey as a multi-million-dollar court case or getting elected president of the nation. In fact, life for some people, is a continuous engagement in battles of the wit with rivals.


Like everywhere else in the world, Americans used to treat court cases as a forum where the dispensation of justice was paramount. Justice was reached via the battles of the wit, and did not cross the line separating the sportsman-like combat from the kind of confrontation that seeks to win the case at any cost. But then the Jews came along and reversed that order. They made it so that winning the case for his client was paramount to a litigation lawyer, which result he must attain by hook or by crook. And it was from this courtroom approach, acting like a poison pill, that the Jewish style adversarial system was swallowed by every aspect of American culture.


Despite the protestations that Jews are being used as scapegoats yet again, you can be certain that it was the Jewish poison pill which led to the current cancel culture, the sharp divisions between the political factions, and the riots that gave American streets the look of a Third World. “Tikkun Olam” is the Hebrew command that supposedly gives the Jews the right to burn the world so as to rebuild it in a way that will serve them better. And the Jews take that command very seriously.


Now that they succeeded doing it to America, the Jews want to use America to do it to the world. You can see an example of that when you study the article which came under the title: “Europe capitulates to China's rulers,” and the subtitle: “The EU undermines its own interests and those of its ally across the pond.” It was written by Clifford D. May, and published on January 5, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Like every aggressor that wants to be thought of as the savior of humanity, Clifford May spoke in the name of all Jews without first obtaining their permission. He laid out the reasons why Europe must not get cozy with China or Russia or Iran. But first, he had to introduce the subject to his readers, and so he offered the following preamble:


“Authoritarians are increasingly assertive and audacious. Americans and Europeans should be working more cooperatively than ever before. They're not. It is in the European Union's interest to defend its members from the machinations of authoritarians. Give me a few moments to make the case clearly”.


This done, Clifford May went on to tell how evil China, Russia and Iran have been. The following is the condensed form of what he said about them:


“The world's leading authoritarians are in Beijing. They are oppressing minorities within the borders of the people's Republic of China, which is a thief of intellectual property. Its spies are everywhere. It manipulates the World Health Organization. It clashes with India, builds islands in the South China Sea and disputes Japan's possession of the Senkaku Islands. It bullies Australia and threatens Taiwan. The Kremlin has appropriated territory from the neighbors, and been implicated in assassinations and assassination attempts in Europe and on Russian soil. The Islamic Republic of Iran conducted missile attacks against Saudi Arabian oil facilities and has executed the journalist Ruhollah Zam. It violates the nuclear deal”.


What Clifford May deliberately and foolishly rejects, is that the Europeans are telling America they are not playing this game anymore.


Save for the excesses of America’s darkest chapters, the Europeans are conscious of their own colonial past. They see in it the kind of evil that must never be duplicated or exceeded.


And they recognize that anything legitimately attributable to China or Russia or Iran, is trivial compared to what they have themselves committed.


Except for the following lesson to America, they will not pretend to have the moral standing to give lessons to anyone: If you do not want to capitulate, do not start a war.