Sunday, January 24, 2021

The poison failed; change the poison, they say

 When the Jews lost the argument about lineage being more important than religion in matters concerning inheritance, they played down the value of the poison pill they once used to torpedo the deal they had reached with the Palestinian through what was the Peace Process.


The poison pill the Jews had concocted for the Palestinians to swallow as a precondition to signing the deal and implementing it, was that the Palestinians must recognize Israel as being a Jewish state. The grand scheme behind this attempt was for the Jews to be in a position –– if it comes to the question of who owns Palestine –– to say that the Palestinians themselves have recognized the higher priority to inheritance that the Jewish religion has over the racial lineage the Palestinians have.


But the Palestinian negotiators at the peace talks, saw through this satanic trick and refused to swallow the Jewish poison pill. This prompted the Jews to do what they always do, which is to shelve the scheme for now, and work on brewing another poison pill for use in another scheme. However, realizing that they cannot avoid being seen for what they are––which is a horde of armed colonial marauders––the Jews approached the situation from a different angle. Call it, playing the numbers game.


In some sense, the Jews stumbled on this game because all the elements were there for it to coalesce into the kind of idea the Jews love to dabble in and tinker with. The most important element they grabbed onto and used it to work a new scheme, was the advent of Donald Trump into the White House. If you want to know who Donald Trump is, suffice it to say that he has as much remorse for killing 400,000 Americans by dereliction of duty, as a dog would have for eating a bird alive. Now you can imagine how much Donald Trump has ever worried about starving the Palestinian refugees, given the opportunity to feel Netanyahu's hand pat him on the back for committing the near-perfect crime.


As to the numbers game, it must be said that there have been two games. The Jews played the first but it blew in their faces. They continue trying to pick up the pieces and reconstitute the game, but are having a hard time formulating an argument that can defeat the notion of the “Palestinian Right of Return” having a higher priority than the “Jewish Right of Return” because the Palestinians have been separated from what is theirs for only 70 years, whereas the Jews have been separated from what they claim is theirs for a whopping 2,000 years ... and that 70 is a smaller number than 2,000. The Jews simply cannot be made to grasp the notion that 2,000 years is a longer time span than 70 years.


As to the second numbers game, which Trump inspired the Jews to play, it consisted of minimizing the number of Palestinians who can make a direct connection between the creation of Israel and the losses they suffered, thus build a legal case and sue for relief. And so, true to his style of leadership, Donald Trump suspended the business of America, and told the prostitutes at the State Department to do what's necessary to make the number of Palestinian refugees a small one, no matter how much such forgery will make America appear to sink further down the Jewish sewer.


By the time that Trump's hookers at State had worked out the fake studies and the demonic interpretations of those studies, a counterargument had surfaced to the effect that what's good for the goose is good for the gander, followed by the question: How many Jews can make a direct claim to the effect that the actions taken by the Roman legions in ancient Palestine are impacting today's Jews negatively? Upon this, the Jews had no choice but to drop this game.


That meant the Jews had to come up with another poison pill, and so they did. They came up with four deadly ingredients rolled into one poison pill for the Palestinians to swallow, which you can imagine they never did and never will. By the way, these were the ingredients that the Jews had told Donald Trump to tell the State Department to come up with after claiming they conducted an independent and impartial inquiry.


You can become familiar with that pill when reading the article that came under the title: “The Problem Isn't in Palestinian Numbers,” written by Shoshana Bryen and published on January 22, 2021 in the American Thinker. After going through a minefield of nonsense and bombs of absurdity, you finally get to read about the deadly ingredients of the new poison pill. They are as follows:


1.         Adopt the politico-economic system we call liberal democracy, so that you remain in our sphere of influence, and we continue to tell you how to live your lives.


2.         When the cannibals of the Israeli military feel hungry for Gazan flesh, and thirsty for Gazan blood, the people of Gaza must assemble in one place and wait for American-made warplanes to bomb them with American-made smart bombs, thus satisfy the hunger and thirst of the modern-day Shylocks in Israel.


3.         End the practice of telling the truth about Jewish savagery committed against the Palestinians because the truth causes the good citizens of the world to be disgusted when they hear the name, Israel.


4.         Whereas Israel, like everyone else in the world, rewards its combatants and their families with a living honorarium, the Jews want the Palestinians to end rewarding their own combatants so that they starve to death.


And the Jews want President Joe Biden to take these demands to the Palestinians as a way to honor the leadership style of the one and only Donald J. Trump.