Friday, January 1, 2021

They seek to destroy what they can't control

 A nature that humans inherited from the lower primates, is that we fight members of our own species if they stand in our way getting what we want. But having evolved beyond the level of the other primates, we took that nature to a higher level in the sense of being deadly.


The reason we are motivated to proceed goes something like this: “If I can't have it, you can't have it either, and I'll make sure you'll not have it by destroying the thing before I get out of here and leave it to you.” Not all individuals are the same, of course, and neither are the cultures. You'll find the moderate, the average and the extreme in every case, but when it comes to jealousy-driven destruction of life and property, the Jews are in a league all by themselves.


Because the fires of jealousy have been burning in the Jewish hearts and bellies for thousands of years, and despite the fact that, out of pity, they were given an enclave in which to live like Jews without inflicting their sight on others; it turns out that this was not enough to dampen the centuries-old desire of Jews to steal what belongs to others and make it their own by hook or by crook.


The Jews got the enclave they coveted in Palestine but this was not enough for them, so they kept expanding it ever since. They were allowed to seek alliances with other peoples, but they abused the goodwill of those they befriended so badly, the people changed the relationship into one that kept them at “arms-length.” And then, they were allowed to go to the United States where they became citizens, and that's when the real character of the Jews reared its horrifically delinquent head.


It took a number of decades for the truth to be revealed, and it did eventually. But that's when it scared those that allowed it to lay dormant for all these years without taming it before it reached what seems like the point of no return. In fact, what's becoming clearer by the day, is that the Jews see no difference when they look at Palestine as being a prey to hunt and bring down, and when they look at America as being a prey to hunt and bring down. They'll hunt and devour anyone that looks edible to them.


And now that they have it in their thinking, they are close to completing the conquest of America and turn it into another Palestine, they began to plan the steps that will take them beyond that. In fact, their new moniker goes like this: Yesterday we went for Palestine, today we're going for America, tomorrow we'll be going for the world. Two recent articles show how they are planning to pull off this scheme.


One article came under the title: “To fight anti-Semitism, the UN must first define it,” written by David May and Haley Weinischle, and published on December 22, 2020 in The Washington Examiner. The other article came under the title: “Universities can't be trusted to shape the future of the country,” Written by Zachary Faria, and published on December 29, 2020, also in the Washington Examiner.


Harking back to the old days when their forefathers began the conquest of America by bulldozing everyone that stood in their way, David May and Haley Weinischle thought of employing the same technique to conquer the world by conquering the United Nations. They started bulldozing the UN agencies that did not exhibit philo-Semitic tendencies, accusing them of antisemitic behavior.


To remedy the situation, May and Weinischle suggested imposing on the UN, adaptation of the definition that the European Jews came up with for what constitutes antisemitism. It is a definition that will allow every group of Jews to sit as judge, jury and dispenser of every case that will grab public attention. And of course, they will proceed by employing the old trick of convicting those they do not like of being antisemitic for saying A instead of B and for saying B instead of A. Mark this moment as being the era when the Jews began the conquest of the world.


But the fact that the Jews started the conquest of the world does not mean they are one hundred percent satisfied they completely conquered the United States of America. In fact, they have been complaining that the universities are such a tough nut to crack, they called on their moral prostitutes in the American Congress to help them destroy what they cannot reform or make to look like themselves.


Except for one of the two Cuban super-prostitutes in the Senate who embraced their cause, the Jews discovered that most of the legislators having graduated from a university, were reluctant to go after their alma maters. The Jews discovered this reality despite the established norm to slavishly respond to the call for pleasing the Jews by destroying a piece of America.


And this is why the Jews turned-on their media propaganda machine, and programmed it to go after the universities such as you see in the article of Zachary Faria. Read it again and judge for yourself.