Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Here is a good idea that can be made better

 Shlomo Ben-Ami has put into words ideas that sensible people have been advocating for some time now. That is, to diffuse the tense situation in the Middle East, the powers involved in that game should do first thing first, and then consider the other issues.


So, he tells what the first thing ought to be. He says it is for America to drop all sanctions against Iran in return for the latter getting back into compliance with the provisions of the nuclear deal. It's as simple as that.


Well, it may be simple to say it, but Ben-Ami recognizes that the events of the last four years have needlessly unfolded in a way that bruised both sides. He accepts that for this reason and maybe others too, each side has developed a group of local hardliners who oppose talking to the other side, let alone hammer a deal with them. And he can imagine that as a result, it will be difficult to achieve the first step.


Still, both sides wish to have a deal, says Ben-Ami, because there is no alternative except to maintain the current chaotic situation or contemplate the unthinkable worse –– neither of which is acceptable. Therefore, he predicts that the two sides will reach an understanding, and will find a way to realize that first step.


This done, says Shlomo Ben-Ami, the antagonists should then embark on the second step. It is to turn their attention to such matters as Iran's missile program––which scares the immediate neighbors and those further away––and the country's support for militant proxies throughout the region. He foresees a meeting of all the stakeholders in that conflict who will come to discuss these matters, most likely without Israel.


The attendees will debate and try to resolve the day-to-day issues preoccupying them at this time, he says. And given that even the oil producing nations, have plans to engage in the construction of nuclear power stations, they might also wish to discuss ways to prevent the proliferation of non-peaceful nuclear uses. In fact, this is an urgent issue that has been on the table for several years but was going nowhere for reasons that will be discussed in a moment.


As to Israel, Ben-Ami suggests that it will be left to America to rein-in that most belligerent of entities. To take away any excuse Israel might have to torpedo the efforts made toward peace, Shlomo Ben-Ami urges the Biden administration to look into Israel's real and imagined security concerns, and find ways to alleviate them if need be. This should take into account, most especially, the threats that Israel sees coming from Syria and Lebanon, says Ben-Ami.


Will this work? It should because Ben-Ami has made a distinction between the Arab nations and Iran being the side that seeks a peaceful resolution of the issues without placing conditions, and Israel being the side which seeks peace only if it comes attached to out-of-this-world conditions that no one can deliver. It must be that Ben-Ami is aware that as long as Israel can count on America supporting it unconditionally, it will seek to impose impossible conditions on everything so as to maintain the status quo at perpetuity.


And so, when you consider the behavior of the Iranians and the Arabs, you'll find these people to be reasonable and pleasant to work with. In fact, Iran did reach an agreement with the P5+1 nations, going about the negotiations the civilized way. As to the Arab countries, they have friendly relations in and out the UN with just about everyone because everybody loves to work with them.


This punctures the lie concerning the rumors about the Arabs rejecting the idea of America pivoting out of the Middle East, and warning that this will cause the region to sink into chaos and mayhem. The truth is that as long as America is providing them with a defensive umbrella, they'll consider the superpower a sugar daddy that keeps on giving. They'll welcome him near them till he decides to move on to other tasks.


What all this boils down to is that a reasonable America has a good chance to sit with the reasonable Arabs and Iranians, and hammer a solution for the problems of the region. All this can happen provided that America keeps Israel under control and out of the loop.


America should then disclose what it knows about the nuclear work that Israel has done since the French gave it a nuclear reactor in the Fifties. This disclosure will open the door for Israel to join the talks, and agree at long last, to make the MENA region free of nuclear weapons.


In fact, achieving this milestone, will make it eminently possible for America to negotiate a worldwide non-proliferation treaty, with the approval and cooperation of such countries as North Korea and whomever might be thinking they need the protection of the bomb to guarantee their survival.


So then, how can the Biden administration take this idea, make it better, and run with it till it resolves what were thought to be intractable problems of the Middle East that could never be resolved peacefully?


The answer to that question is hidden in what Shlomo Ben-Ami has alluded to: The secret lies in restraining wild Israel. Keep that thing under control, and the world will climb in a rising spiral to a more civilized state of existence.