Sunday, March 7, 2021

They have redefined the word 'politics'

 Factually, the word politics is defined as the art of negotiating how best to accommodate the various needs of the parties involved in the decision to coexist in peace and harmony. In poetic realism, Otto von Bismarck defined the word this way: Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable –– the art of the next best.


And then there is the definition that grew out of the Judeo-Yiddish haggling. It goes as follows: Politics is the set of tricks that players take with them to the arena where each player tries to snatch unearned credit from wherever he can, while seeking to deprive the next guy of the credit that's due to him.


It has become necessary to revisit these definitions because the Jews are again throwing accusations at their opponents, charging them with engaging in politicization, without first giving a clear definition of what they mean by that word. You can get an idea of what game they are playing in this regard when you read the article that came under the title: “The International Criminal Court's Latest Anti-Israel Salvo,” and the subtitle: “The court's politicization of war-crimes investigations harms the cause of international justice.” It was written by Jimmy Quinn, and published on March 4, 2021 in National Review Online.


Where you see the use of that word at the start of a discussion and when, in addition, you see the accusation that someone has singled out Israel, you know you have entered the Jewish territory of idle haggling and moral bankruptcy. As it happens, this is what you encounter at the opening of Jimmy Quinn's article. Here is how the first paragraph reads:


“In a move singling out Israel, International Criminal Court head prosecutor Fatou Bensouda declared that her office is beginning an investigation into 'war crimes' committed in the West Bank and Gaza”.


If you're asking, what does it mean singling out Israel? You'll find that Jimmy Quinn has provided an answer to that question. Expressed in three words, the answer goes like this: “Netanyahu said so.” But Quinn later elaborated at length in a passage that can be condensed as follows:


“Netanyahu called it [investigation of Israel] anti-Semitism and the height of hypocrisy. Bensouda should have sought to investigate potential war crimes with more solid jurisdictional founding, such as China's Uyghur genocide. Instead, she turned down a petition to do just that, claiming that the crimes have been committed by nationals of China within the territory of China. However, China's efforts extended to Cambodia and Tajikistan. Hence Netanyahu's charge of hypocrisy”.


So, there you have it, my friend. Netanyahu has tried to divert attention away from Israel's crimes against humanity, directing it toward what he says are Chinese crimes against the Uyghur people. When Bensouda said she would not take up that case because it is an internal Chinese matter, her Jewish critics said that China's effort extends to Cambodia and Tajikistan.


Well, if this is true, what Jimmy Quinn has failed to explain is that only Cambodia and Tajikistan would have the standing to take their respective cases to court. They haven't done so for whatever reasons, one being that there is no truth to the Netanyahu accusation. But to think that Netanyahu has bestowed on himself the standing to accuse others while seeking to nullify accusations leveled against Israel by the Palestinians who were judged to have standing –– you can only be amazed at the impudence of both Netanyahu and Quinn.


And to think that it was the tendency to tolerate this kind of diseased mentality which transformed the American congress and right-wing media in America, into private washrooms for the exclusive use of the Jewish executives running them, you begin to understand why it is that all which comes out these politico-journalistic shit-holes, stinks like the raw sewage it can only be.


Having occupied the White House for a four-year period, during which time the bowl of stinky ideas was never flushed down the tube, the Quinns of this world now worry that the new occupants might start the cleanup process that will bring America back to intellectual cleanliness. And this, my friend, is what has caused Jimmy Quinn to come up with the following set of ideas:


“Bensouda's announcement is a challenge to the White House's views on the matter. But will the Biden administration treat it as one? Doing so would require Biden's team to take off the kid gloves. If he is serious about US objections to the ICC's claims, he will need to expand on the Trump sanctions. The world's crimes against humanity deserve to be investigated and prosecuted, but politicizing them, harms the cause of international justice”.


Not only do you see the word “politicizing” in Quinn's closing paragraphs, but there is also the term “international justice.” This was not used often previously because another similar term was in vogue. That was, “world peace.” The Jews would use it every time they asked for something, promising that if they get what they want, world peace will descend onto the planet like a tasty manna from the sky.


Well, today the concern is not world peace, thus the term can be shelved for now, and it was. However, the decision of the ICC is of great concern to the Jews. It has to do with doing justice to the Palestinians. And so, to divert attention away from the Palestinian cause, the Jews and Quinn came up with a demonic idea. They pitted “international justice” against “Palestinian justice,” and made it sound like the two are mutually exclusive when in reality, they are mutually reinforcing.


Still, children of the Satanic cult are asking the Americans to choose international justice by trampling all over Palestinian justice for perhaps another century… or two… or three...