Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ready For Destruction, They Were Rendered Mad

An old Jewish proverb says that when God intends to destroy someone, He first renders them mad. We now have a good example of that. Tamara Cofman Wittes has just written what will most certainly go down in history as the epitaph of Jewish use of American power and prestige to meddle in the affairs of other nations. She wrote: “Egypt's NGOs matter,” an article that was published in Foreign Policy on June 5, 2013.

When it comes to the horrendous crime of murder-rape, it is an act that is associated with crazy and depraved sick men because it is thought that women are incapable of being this violent. Well, think again because this Jewish woman, Tamara Cofman, is proving that she is more than capable of raping and murdering not only a single person but a whole nation. In fact, she is capable – indeed she is hungry and eager – to murder not only one nation as an end in itself, but murder a nation as a prelude to raping and murdering the whole world. She wants to accomplish this much by using the NGOs “Non Governmental Organizations” that were created, funded and directed by the two horror of horror American Parties in the horror of horror American Congress – that sorry warehouse of pimps and prostitutes, madams and gigolos; the low life traitors of their own country.

Just look at this passage: “That NGOs are not popular in [Egyptian] public opinion is entirely irrelevant.” It is this simple for Jews to dismiss as irrelevant anything they do not like. When they have a congress of animals tearing each other to be first at kissing Jewish asses, why should any Jew ascribe any relevance to the UN or to any country in the world? Thus, having dismissed the people of Egypt as irrelevant, Cofman the Jewish woman goes on to tell the readers why it is important that American NGOs be put in charge of serving that same irrelevant public. We shall see in a moment why she did this, but for now, let me point out that Egyptian NGOs have existed in Egypt since antiquity, have done a good job and that she, Tamara Cofman, has ignored them in the article except when mentioning them inadvertently to make a point.

Here is the passage where she mentions the work of Egyptian NGOs: “from the moment Mubarak resigned, Egyptian NGOs have played a critical role … During the past two years … NGOs have been the only effective means Egyptians have had to monitor and hold their government accountable.” In fact, two years ago or thereabout is when the revolution started, and the foreign NGOs were kicked out of the country. The Egyptian NGOs who, up to that time were preoccupied with social welfare matters, turned their attention to political matters. Thus, they replaced the foreign NGOs who were unmasked as having been as toxic to Egypt as al-Qaeda operatives would be to America. Good riddance, said the people of Egypt; and Tamara the rapist is hot under the collar about it, and hot somewhere else too.

Back to why she wants American NGOs to be present in Egypt. She writes this: “US support for independent civil society – in Egypt and around the world – is not simply a product of a strategy that sees independent NGOs as helpful subversives of authoritarianism … NGOs organize citizens around a common interest.” In order words, she admits she wants to be in Egypt and everywhere around the world (against the will of the irrelevant locals) to subvert the governments who will be labeled authoritarian. Authoritarian? Who will make that determination? You don't know who? The Jewish organizations, of course who will organize you around the common interest that is, in reality, no more than the Jewish interest. And so, they have a simple way to assess you: refuse to kiss Jewish asses and you are authoritarian. Period. What can be simpler than that?

But unable to satisfy her desires, what can a natural murder-rapist do? Well, the first thing she does is complain: “these events mark a frustrating long history of US confrontation over NGO independence and US desire to engage with Egypt's people.” But the people of Egypt said NO, and so did the US Government that wants to protect American interests. These are her words in this regard: “officials are arguing: we can't sacrifice our interests in Egypt … We can't have any impact on what's a domestic matter … Egyptians don't support foreign funding of NGOs, thus, we shouldn't insist.”

So then, what can a hot to trot murder-rapist do? Well, you can ask Michelle Bachmann who was raised in an Israeli Kibbutz where mothers teach their children how to masturbate. Bachmann will tell you to go ahead and masturbate. And masturbating her intellect is what Tamara Cofman, the Jew is doing here. Look how she does it. Talking about NGOs operating in a foreign country, she slips this thought: “a human rights agenda that enshrines the freedom of association in international treaties.” In fact, there is no international treaty to which America is a signatory that says America is obligated to have al-Qaeda type NGOs operating on its soil whether the American people like it or not. There is a treaty, however, that says America and all countries pledge to let their own people and their own NGOs associate freely. Have you had your orgasm, yet, Tamara? Get on with it and go hide somewhere because the spectacle has become pornographic – and we want relief.

No, she is not responding to this suggestion, being too busy masturbating frantically. Look how far she goes this time: “The Egyptian government … is functionally incapable of meeting the material needs of the Egyptian people without the work of the NGOs.” Well, you say, that's what NGOs are there for; helping their government is what they do everywhere in the world. So far so good, but where the Tamara masturbation goes frantic is here: “From the delivery of subsidized bread to the provision of basic health care, Egyptian and international NGOs are thoroughly integrated into Egyptian society.”

Got that? She is careful not to say that the one time when the Ministry in charge of subsidized bread called for help to transport bread from the bakeries to the stores, it called on the military not the NGOs. And she is careful not to say that it was the Muslim Brotherhood – before it was elected to govern – that helped to raise health care in Egypt over the decades to become one of the best in the world when measured by infant mortality, and the mortality of women in childbirth. Unable to hide these truths but hungry to attribute the success to the NGOs, Tamara the masturbator gets her orgasm by juxtaposing the mention of those two facts with the thought that the NGOs are integrated into Egyptian society. It makes the reader believe she is saying the NGOs did all that.

Even then, Tamara the Jew could not avoid leaving herself open to criticism in that she included “international” NGOs in the lot. Well, if these groups have been as integrated in Egyptian society as she says they were, maybe this is how the Egyptian people got to know them as well as they did. And maybe this is why they told them to hit the road, stay away and never to show their faces in Egypt again.

When all these realities came to light at the onset of the Egyptian Revolution, many countries began to look askance at America's NGOs. And Russia ordered them out of the country without delay. This latest article of chief murder-rapist Tamara Cofman will most certainly accelerate this trend until the disease she is bringing to the world is eradicated the way that malaria, polio, tuberculosis, jaundice, the plague and diphtheria are.

It is that the agents of the disease got mad, and they begged for their destruction. Praise the Lord but watch out for their reappearance. They never give up.