Saturday, June 22, 2013

Where To From Here, Israel?

It is beginning to look like the make-believe world created by the Jewish-Israeli propaganda machine is dissolving into the thin air from where it came. But there is no doubt in my mind that the people who used to run that machine will refuse to vanish with it. I believe that rather than disband, they will take a pause, catch their breath and get back to doing what they were doing before. They will try to do things differently this time, however, in that they will seek to find a fresh new approach.

Well, this is what they would be thinking now, except that by the time they have taken the pause and have caught their breath, they will have realized they are now dealing with a world that is so different from the one they inherited, to do the same as before and expect a different result because they plan to approach the matter differently, would still qualify their activities as being the product of insanity.

And so, the commanders of the old Jewish-Israeli propaganda machine will look straight ahead and far behind them; will look left and look to the right; and they will try to assess the new realities that surround them. They will see that three big changes have occurred, none of which will have come as a surprise to them, however. That's because the changes would have been the ones that contributed mightily to their first defeat after half a century of uninterrupted public relation triumphs.

The first change would be the fact that they no longer have the debating floor all to themselves. There is now enough people out there willing and able to cut through the tangled web of politically correct nonsense they set-up – the one by which they used to snare decent people, calling them antisemitic whenever they opposed their views and beat them fair and square in any debate. These people proved to be not antisemitic but anti-low-life which the so-called Jewish debating ignoramuses of the think tank variety turned out to be.

The second change would be the fact that the American host upon which they used to feed like a parasitic flea, is nearing depletion. Even the Congress of flea-tolerant dogs who used to sell their motherland for half a song, a smile and a pat on the back, is getting tired of the self-declared Jews who forever demanded something and forever grabbed the best that America had to offer without ever showing the slightest indication that their appetite was coming close to being gratified.

The third change would be the fact that Israel is running out of the kind of excuses it used to pull out of the hat and get American economic aid under the guise of using the money to enhance its security. The truth being that Israel used the money to feed a Jewish population that would have starved to death in a month or two were it not for America's never ending stream of donations and credits. When offered two dozen of the most advanced jet fighters in return for suspending the building of settlements in occupied Palestine for a period of ten months, they said no thanks because they had no use for more armaments being armed to the teeth as it was. And besides, it costs money to keep warplanes in shape and ready to fly even in peacetime – money they did not have to feed themselves let alone spend on weapons for which they had no use.

So the question is: Where to from here, Israel?

My advice to them would be to make a realistic assessment of what the future will hold, and position themselves in such a way as to avoid repeating the history of the real and fake Jews whose identity they stole – a history that has endlessly been duplicated for thousands of years. Given that they will not be able to hold on to the land they now occupy for ever, given that they will not be able to kill all the Palestinians living in those lands or throw them out, they better leave those lands now without condition, shake the hand of peace and reconciliation that the neighboring Arab countries are extending to them, and start working on the sort of economy that suits them.

There is only one way that a population their size can secure a high standard of living. It is to do what the Swiss and the Singaporeans have done which is to maintain a good relation with the neighbors, and develop normal diplomatic and commercial exchanges with them.

It will be this or it will be a thousand more years of getting nowhere spitting insults at everyone they encounter, then being forced to drink from the cups they fill with the venom of their own spit.