Sunday, August 21, 2016

Haggling over Ambiguities kills Americans

What is the purpose – in a so-called democracy – of making laws and/or pronouncements under the guise of clarifying principles said to make freedom ring? Well, it can be argued with some certainty that such laws and pronouncements will instead lead to killing freedom with the unintended consequence of killing people too.

This reality comes out loudly and clearly when you go over the childish and tortured editorial of the Wall Street Journal which came under the title: “Obama's R-Word for Iran” and the subtitle: “A spokesman calls it 'leverage' for prisoners, aka ransom for hostages.” It was published on August 18, 2016 in the Journal.

Instead of starting the piece by defining the word 'ransom' and proceeding to show that it is (or is not) what the White House did when dealing with Iran, the editors started like this: “The Obama Administration's handling of the Iran ransom-for-hostages story brings to mind the Chico Marx line in the movie “Duck Soup”: “Who are you going to believe – me or your own eyes?”

In the absence of a mature effort to clarify what they mean by their use of the word 'ransom,' you can struggle all you want with the editors' piece of work and you'll come no closer to understanding what they try to convey with the use of the term “ransom-for-hostages,” or indeed, what purpose is served by the editorial other than it is an exercise in futility – a term, by the way, which defines Jewish haggling perfectly.

Jewish haggling is an end in itself, therefore has no purpose except to exist for its own sake. This, however, does not preclude the unintended consequences which may flow from haggling being done in the first place. And this leads to the question: Can the Journal editorial – as silly and pointless as it is – be responsible for American citizens being killed in the future? To find the answer, we look to the question that the editors have asked, and what response was given. Here it is:

“One may reasonably ask: Why did the Obama Administration persist with such an obviously preposterous cover story? Mr. Obama offered one honest answer amid the original denial. We didn't pay a ransom, the President said, “precisely because if we did we'd start encouraging Americans to be targeted”.

The way this exchange has unfolded is that President Obama first asserted that no American has ever been targeted. He went on to explain: if we say ransom-for-hostages, what we fear the most will come to pass, which is why we don't say it. So the editors reacted by shouting to potential hostage takers: But he did, he did, he did.

So now, those who never intended to target Americans have been assured by the editors of the Wall Street Journal that despite the denials, they'll be paid well if they target Americans. And of course, if no payment is made, the hostages may be killed. This is the unintended consequence of juvenile editors that never let an opportunity pass without milking it of every drop of sensational value they can draw from it.

How did America handle such situations in the past? And how did America get to where it is today?

Paying ransom is defined as exchanging something that is yours – such as money – for something or someone that is also yours. Thus, the transaction that took place between America and Iran cannot be called ransom because it only swapped Iranian money that was held in America for American prisoners that were held in Iran.

What happened instead is akin to what America used to do during the Cold War when prisoners were exchanged by their simultaneous release on a bridge that connected the Eastern and Western blocs of nations. There was no fuss and no muss then because no Jewish haggling was allowed to interfere with the business of the nation.

What happened subsequently is that the Jews infiltrated America to such depth; they pushed out fruitful debates and replaced them with useless Jewish haggling. This had the effect of creating a sea of ambiguities that froze the debaters in place and pushed democracy out, replacing it with Jewish authoritarian rule.

And this happened because haggling has paralyzed the nation and opened the door for the Jews to dictate their daily demands, and have them fulfilled promptly while the business of America remains dead in the water like a ship of state that's frozen in a sea of defunct ideas.

Frozen and going nowhere is what the Congress of the United States as well as the legislatures of the various States in the Union, have become under Jewish authoritarian rule.

Nobody raise their voice because they all want to keep their job, and they wish to stay off the blacklist.