Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The ultimate Fraud was the Creation of Israel

Another piece of work, which the editors of the Pittsburgh Tribune attribute to an outfit calling itself U.N. Watch, was published in that publication on July 31, 2016 under the title: “Fraud? What Fraud?”

If you have a difficult time figuring what the editors are after this time, all you need to do is look to see how they end their dissertation because that's where their intent becomes obvious. And so, here is how they end the thing: “How the U.N. doesn't handle fraud should be a wake-up call for Americans, who get stuck for about a quarter of the world body's operating budget”.

Those who are familiar with the activities of the Jews in America during the past half century will recall that these characters have acted like the relentless town criers that never stopped letting out shrieks of alarm, calling on the good people of America to wake up because a non-Jew was committing something terrible – whether or not there was a grain of truth in that claim. Moreover, it was clear to everyone that the Jews were shamelessly doing all this at the same time as they were claiming they conducted themselves like exemplary citizens of the community and the whole wide world.

Despite knowing how fake all that fear mongering was, America responded to some of the Jewish calls with dispatch, and the result has been that the superpower ended up hurting a great number of innocent people around the globe, thus got itself into trouble needlessly. As to the other powers in the world … well, they escaped making the same mistakes because they knew instinctively that they must ignore the Jewish calls, and maintain normal relations with everyone else. Each power acted separately as a sovereign nation, and collectively as a member of the United Nations.

But there was a single exception; a time when the world acted in unison thus committed a collective big mistake. That moment came when the world went along with the bleeding hearts and accepted the fiction that humanity was built with an inherent deficiency of character called antisemitism. It was explained that humanity had persecuted the Jews throughout time because human beings are imperfect creations whereas the Jews of every ethnicity represented absolute perfection.

That false narrative produced the impetus which caused the United Nations to accept the idea of creating a safe haven for the Jews in Palestine. Feeling a collective sense of guilt for sins they never committed, the attendees at the UN gathering felt it necessary to let the Jews create an enclave for themselves in Palestine. They envisioned it a place that will be so perfect, it will serve as model that will show humanity how to become as perfect as the Jews.

As time passed, however, it became clear to everyone how wrong headed that move was. Things went badly for the people of Palestine and for everyone that went along with the idea of establishing a Jewish enclave. That's when the world came to realize it had been conned by Jewish actors whose DNA was made not with perfection but with building blocs called deception. The fraud that is a Jewish homeland in Palestine was finally exposed.

The net effect has been that everyone involved in the project which ultimately acquired the name Israel, began to experience a period of buyers' remorse. It is that the world began to see it was impossible to reverse an experiment that had turned into a horror story.

What we have now is a situation in occupied Palestine whose continued metastasis – thanks to the umbilical cord that keeps feeding it from America's abundance – menaces not only the people of Palestine but the entire Middle Eastern region and beyond it the whole world.

And as always, America keeps paying the price for the horrific acts committed by Israelis who deliberately stress the point that what they do has America's backing … as there is no “daylight” between Jewish terror in the region and American support for it.

This is showcased by the open support that America gives Israel in the financial, military and diplomatic fields no matter what Israel does. And of course, Jewish publications such as the Pittsburgh Tribune, never fail to transmit this message to the world.