Saturday, August 20, 2016

Jewish Ambiguity is Putin's Ace Card

Barack Obama seems to have learned an important lesson from what happened to George W. Bush. It is that the Jews will plan something for you, will push you to do it, and when it fails, will blame you for the failure saying that their planning was perfect but your execution of it was horrible. The Jews did this to W. Bush regarding the Iraq calamity, and despite the horrible result, went on to give advice to everyone as if they had brilliantly served their president and the country.

In the wake of this reality, Obama backed off from a number of Jewish counsels, the most significant being the bombing of Syria, an act that would have forced Assad to launch a full scale chemical attack on Israel, with Hezbollah and Hamas attacking with tens of thousands of rockets from the North and from the South. The resulting horror would have drawn America into the fight with consequences we cannot begin to fathom.

With this in the background, history will discuss the Judeo-American War on Iraq by showing the video clip of a Thomas Friedman standing on foreign soil and making the moronic suggestion that George W. Bush will suffer the fate of his father if he did not invade Iraq. That same history will also speak of a Charles Krauthammer who was mortified by Obama's rejection of the Jewish strategy of ambiguity, and tried to do something about it.

It must be said that the Jews scored a few victories at the start of their Middle Eastern adventure decades ago when they started playing the game of ambiguity. There is the well known silly joke about Israel having a full blown nuclear arsenal and not a single bomb to test. But that silliness pales compared to the depraved game that the Jews played; a game that yielded a great deal of propaganda for Israel while hitting America with limitless loss of respect.

You can see how that game was played when you study Krauthammer's article: “The price of powerlessness” in which the author laments what could have been achieved but never was because Obama rejected the Jewish game instead of playing it. Krauthammer's article was published on August 18, 2016 in the Washington Post.

Speaking of Putin, the writer says this: “Dealt a very weak hand, he has restored Russia to great-power status. Reduced to irrelevance in the 1990s, it is now a force to be reckoned with.” So you want to know how this situation came about, and Krauthammer says it was all Obama's fault … which is the natural thing for a member of the opposition to say in this election year.

There is, however, more to it than meets the eye because the Jews were immersed in it up to their eyeballs. This was the time when they played the depraved game of ambiguity more viciously than ever. And nowhere did the game become more evident than when the Jews played it against Egypt.

What they did was play the notorious double game. On the one hand, they urged the American government – White House, State Department and the Congress – to do all they can to cajole Egypt into normalizing relations with Israel. On the other hand, they whispered in the ears of the media, words to the effect that they must unleash the filthiest kind of propaganda against Egypt. And they played a similar game against a number of other Arab and Muslim countries.

Whereas the Americans failed to see anything wrong with that as they played along, the Arabs and the Muslims – who have known the Jews since time immemorial, and know their ideology inside out – were not fooled. The one thing that the Arabs missed however was the reality that the Americans didn't know what was going on. In fact, the Arabs believed that the Americans were not blindly following Jewish orders but had their eyes open and knew exactly what the Jews were asking them to do.

This misunderstanding had repercussions, of course, and that's what Krauthammer is describing in his article. He is, however, attributing the negative consequences not to the Jewish game of depraved ambiguity but to Obama's policies. Here is what he says in that regard: “The reordering of the Middle East is proceeding apace. Where for 40 years the U.S.-Egypt alliance anchored the region, a Russia-Iran condominium is now dictating events.” This did not happen by itself; there was a reason for it that the writer is hiding.

What happened was that every time the Egyptians tried to communicate with the Americans on matters concerning the two countries, an “American” Jew was put in charge, and he steered the discussion in the direction of Israeli interests. When the Egyptians had it up to here with this kind of idiocy, they concluded that the Jews had turned America into an empty shell of sheer uselessness. And so they turned their attention to more serious pursuits. The same thing happened to other countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and even Western Europe. This is the Jewish ambiguity that killed America's influence in the world. It is the ace card that brought glory to Putin, and brought further disrespect for America.

Whereas history will say that Thomas Friedman conned George W. Bush, and got him to overthrow Saddam Hussein, it will say that Krauthammer tried to con the would-be successor of Obama – even before the election – into doing more of what broke America's back in the first place.