Saturday, May 13, 2017

Hate-filled Cal Thomas is incapable of learning

Until Benjamin Netanyahu or someone representing him gets on the podium at the United Nations and kisses the picture of Hitler – proclaiming that he loves the man despite what he did to the Jews – those who accuse others of hating the Jews prove themselves to be the very definition of hate.

This, in fact, is what Cal Thomas did when he wrote an article under the title: “Will we ever learn?” and the subtitle: “Mahmoud Abbas talks peace but still teaches hatred.” The piece was published on May 8, 2017 in The Washington Times.

Cal Thomas gave himself away through the act of demonstrating how easily he tossed out the most fundamental precept of Christianity – the willingness to forgive – so as to accuse Mahmoud Abbas of harboring hatred for the Jews and lying about it. Thomas is supposed to be a Christian fundamentalist tied to the movement calling itself Evangelical, and yet he is confused about the differences between hate and resentment. This could have happened to him only because he's so full of hate, he is unable to distinguish between two very different sentiments and incapable of learning.

Day in and day out, no matter who we are, we go through life resenting one thing or another – more like resenting a thousand something or a thousand other things in the course of a single day. We may, by force of habit, even say that we hate this or that but in reality, this is not the kind of hatred that Cal Thomas harbors toward the Palestinians, or the kind of sentiment he is expressing.

The Palestinians are a people suffering under the most hideous and most resented kind of occupation the world has ever known, and they have every right to be resentful of what's happening to them; it is only human. What is hate – in fact, hate of the most evil kind – is not what they feel or express; it is what Cal Thomas is saying about them. It is the inability to empathize with human suffering that puts him out of step with Christian life if not human life. Thomas failed the empathy test and in so doing, has proven himself to be not of the human species but something that defines hate itself.

Because an ongoing occupation is an ongoing act of war, to seek the end of occupation is to seek peace. When the President of the Palestinian Authority assured the President of the United States that he and his compatriots raise their children in a culture of peace, he affirmed the desire of everyone to see the occupation of their land come to an end. In fact, that was an exchange which took place between the two presidents. It is also the event that prompted Cal Thomas to do with it what the Jewish Hate And Incitement Machine (JHAIM) does with every innocent utterance – spouted by others – it uses to invoke hate and promote paranoia.

Look how Cal Thomas did that: “The Koran allows Muslims to lie in pursuit of a kingdom ruled by their religion. An example occurred when Mr. Abbas met with Mr. Trump. Abbas said, 'I affirm that we are raising our children in a culture of peace.' That is a flat-out lie.” No, that was not a lie because the truth is that no such passage exists in the Koran. The lie has been to invent false sayings and attribute them to Islam in an attempt to make Judaism look better than the horrific image it projects of itself.

In fact, unlike the Jewish Old Testament which commands the Jews to forever celebrate as Passover the night they murdered the babies of Egypt, looted the homes and temples of the nation and ran into the desert, the Koran – like the Christian bible – preaches peace, tolerance and above all forgiveness. This is something that is alien to the Jews and to those, like Cal Thomas, who come under their influence.

We don't have to wonder if that influence is good, bad or indifferent. It is clearly bad because it robs its victim of the will to think independently, and the ability to learn. As a journalist Thomas has all that he needs to educate himself on what happened in history, and what is happening now. Had he done this, he would not have written the following: “The difference [with Muslims] is that Christians and Jews do not have world domination as their goal and violence as their method”.

If this were true, Netanyahu should have no trouble kissing the picture of Hitler who was not a Muslim but a Christian. Meanwhile, the fastest growing religion today is Islam. That's because in a world where people seek solace in a religion that offers peace, Islam is gaining converts whereas Christianity and Judaism are losing members in droves. Figure that out, Cal.