Saturday, May 20, 2017

Proof that Israel is a ghoulish charity Case

If you ever wanted proof that Israel is a charity case, there is one now; and you have Jonathan S. Tobin to thank for the service he just rendered. He wrote: “The Latest Trump Controversy Shows Why Israel Is Not a Charity Case,” and had it published on May 18, 2017 in National Review Online.

His first sentence is this: “[Israel] is a strategic asset we rely on for indispensable intelligence." He goes from there to say “that without Israel's help, America is often flying blind in the Middle East.” To that end, he described the failures that America suffered in the region without mentioning one success. If he wants us to believe this is not flying blind, we might object, but...

But you know what, my friend; Jonathan Tobin is correct. The reason I say this is that the history of the region can only be described as that of Israel and her mouthpieces forcing America to promote Israel's interests at the expense of America and its people. Guess what else comes out of Tobin's presentation; America paid Israel for the deadly disservice, and kept increasing the payments year after year.

No, America's leaders were not flying blind in the Middle East; they were clear-eyed about what Israel wanted, and they delivered it with extra bonus each and every time. This is why Israel kept getting inflated with the passage of time whereas America kept getting deflated.

Tobin expands on his point of view by correctly pointing out that Israel's Pearl-Harbor-style sneak attack on Egypt in 1967 was conducted with French Mystere and Mirage warplanes. In fact, that was the only battle Israel ever won. But it was the battle that started the 6-year war which ended in 1973 with the Egyptians crossing the Suez Canal and booting the Israelis out of the Sinai.

What happened during the interim six years – known as the War of Attrition – was that the Jews were able to con the US Congress into believing that Israel was winning, and that it deserved to be rewarded with a finger of American largess; a reward that kept growing till it swallowed the whole arm. Israel continues to nibble at what else is there despite its defeat and the necessity for America to rush to its rescue.

So you ask: What kind of weapons was Israel using in 1973 when it was defeated? And what king of success did it have using American weapons? The answer is that Israel was using American weapons in 1973 when it was defeated. It started receiving them because General de Gaulle – then President of France – was angered by the Israelis when they used French warplanes to bomb the civilian airport of unarmed and helpless tiny Lebanon.

Ever since that time, all that Israel was able to accomplish using American weapons, was to bomb unarmed and helpless tiny Gaza or bomb unarmed and helpless tiny Lebanon or send a warplane to bomb a position in Syria at a time when that country had its hands full with an ongoing civil war.

In addition to telling a mutilated history, Tobin said this: “The Americans were able to draw upon Israel's intelligence network throughout the region, as well as take advantage of Israel's expertise in designing weapon systems.” So you want to know how America might have benefited form Israeli intelligence, and you look for an answer in the article. You find this: “Israel still faced enemies, including an Iranian regime that was strengthened by the toppling of Saddam Hussein.” What a surprise! Was this the outcome of America benefiting from Israeli intelligence? Or was it the direct result of Israeli fabricated intelligence?

As to America taking advantage of Israel's expertise in designing weapon systems, there are several fascinating stories to tell in this regard. The two most comical examples involve the Chinese and the South Koreans.

The Israelis went to the Chinese and said they are experts in designing airplanes, and they can help them set-up an indigenous Chinese aerospace industry. Great, said the Chinese, when can we come look at the facilities where you gained all that expertise? Astonished, the Israelis exclaimed: facilities! What facilities? We don't have facilities; this is why we came to you. We have the experts who will advise you, and you'll do the work. And the Chinese looked at the Israelis in the eyes and told them something like: get the f**k out of here, and don't you ever show your ugly faces around here again.

The Israelis tried to pull a similar sort of stunt in South Korea with regard to steel-making, and were met with the same kind of reaction because as everyone that worked in industry knows, you can read up on how to make something, but until you make it over and over again … failing and succeeding partially many times till you have it perfected, you cannot call yourself an expert. It seems that the Jews will need another million years of evolution before they can grasp this concept.

Sadly, there was a time when the Israelis were able to fool someone as to their expertise in something. That's when they convinced the editors of the Wall Street Journal they had the secret to using water efficiently. The editors published the story of the great Israeli invention that was going to educate America on how to become a water-rich nation. The lesson was this: make the users pay for the water they use, and this will compel them to be efficient. Whoa! How brilliant! What a bunch of geniuses those Jews. Why did God not create all of us as smart as them? Yes, my friend, believe it or not, this is America under Jewish tutelage.

The reality is that the Jews know as much about designing weapon systems as a squirrel knows about brain surgery. Anyone that believes they know more should have their head examined by a squirrel. Otherwise, better believe that Israel shall remain an eternal basket case in the same way that the Jews have remained a basket case since the beginning of time.