Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Occupation is the ultimate Act of Terror

The problems of the Middle East can be solved as easily as snapping one's fingers if something important is ventured while working on the solutions.

That would be to recognize that the military occupation of a nation is the moral equivalent to raping the nation. Indeed, an occupation is a violent act that's akin to the violation of the human body. If the Jews and their enablers in the American Congress of the immoral and the spineless can be convinced of this reality, they'll realize that to finance the occupation of Palestine, is to perpetrate the ultimate terrorist crime that can ever be.

If and when the Americans are so convinced, Israel which is occupying the land of Palestine, will be seen for what it is – even by the Jews themselves – as the only terrorist entity on the planet today pretending to be a nation. As well, the United States, that is the chief sponsor of Israel, will be seen for what it is – even by the Americans themselves – as the only sponsor of terrorism on the planet today.

If those conditions can be achieved, the incessant haggling that the Jews continue to employ to maintain the occupation, will lose its edge. Serious debates will then begin on how to end the occupation. When this happens, the Jews will have learned that it no longer pays to abuse someone because sooner or later, the situation will be reversed. And when the Jews will have ceased to abuse their neighbors – which they do now using American power and prestige – the entire Middle East will go back to the normalcy it has enjoyed for thousands of years before the advent of the Jews into the region.

What has kept that eventuality from happening during all these years, is the useless Jewish haggle that fills the public square with noise generated by the mob of Jewish pundits who bray nonsense in unison every time that someone takes the initiative to fix the situation. Needless to say this is happening again now that President Donald Trump has launched such initiative.

This time, the braying of a mob's member came in the form of an article under the title: “Why a Middle East peace deal is difficult,” and the subtitle: “Abbas' claim that Palestinian children are raised 'on a culture of peace' is a deadly flight of fancy,” written by Bridget Johnson, and published on May 7, 2017 in The Washington Times.

To add her voice to the noise that has erupted the moment that President Trump announced his initiative on the Middle East, Bridget Johnson chose to follow the braying pattern that was established long ago. That is, instead of saying: 'We, the Jews value the property of others more than we value the peace', she speaks of “roadblocks that even the best boardroom negotiator won't be able to deal-make away.” This is like saying we enjoy the rape too much to stop now, and there is nothing anyone can do to change that.

But because this sounds bad, and the Jews like to have it both ways in the sense of maintaining the rape and being loved for it, Bridget Johnson hastens to add that: “Israel should not be pressured to take the plunge.” This is to prepare the audience for the next phase of her argument: to slander the victim, accusing her of being a horrible person because she fights back against the rape instead of learning to love it, and thanking the rapist for heaping all that love on her. The Palestinians are horrible, says Bridget, because they resist the occupation.

This being the way that things stand at this time, what can President Trump do to fix the situation if the United States Congress fails to develop a minimum level of morality that will put it at par with the civilized world, and fails to stiffen its spine of jelly?

Well, the President can seize the bull by the horns and ride the wave of punditry that's about to hit like a tsunami. Johnson has already mentioned without naming Hamas' “Document of General Principles and Policies,” a discussion paper that is meant to pave the way for the amendment of its Charter. Israel that says it is a nation, should have had a Constitution by now but never did. President Trump should tell it to stop haggling through the mouths of its pundits, and write a Constitution that defines it and delineates its borders as it sees them.

Until this is done, and the documents of the three players: Fatah, Hamas and Israel are brought on the same table for comparison and possible conciliation, not one red cent will leave the American treasury to go to Israel. The President has the authority to impound such funds, and that's what he should do. Period. Full stop. End of haggling.