Thursday, October 12, 2017

Natural Evolution better than selective Breeding

Creating the perfect human being has preoccupied fantasy writers and other kinds of people for some time.

To most people, the subject remained a matter of intellectual curiosity; something to fantasize, talk and write about. To others, the subject acquired a level of importance high enough to compel them initiating serious action. The result was the development of two trends: one biological and the other zoological.

On the biological front, the Nazis took eugenics in directions and levels that were so horrific, they made this branch of science anathema to scientific investigation. When Nazism, as a creed, was dealt with on the battlefield, the Nazi approach to biology was abandoned for ever.

As to the zoological trend, it was the Jews who borrowed from zoology the method of selectively breeding animals, and applied it to the human species. To this end, the Jewish leaders put into effect social plans to facilitate the mingling and crossbreeding of their rank-and-file with other ethnic groups. This has allowed them to gradually erase the typical Jewish look that used to burden them in Europe. The long term result was that they acquired what they proudly refer to as the look of Kirk Douglas.

It was second nature for the Jews to adopt this method, given that they always rebelled against the natural order of things. Having started as a nomadic tribe roaming a desert that was surrounded by magnificent empires, the Jews always felt that nature had been unfair to them. And so, they decided to engineer a new kind of existence from themselves. To that end, they embarked on a quest to change the naturally imposed reality by creating an artificial existence for themselves and their surroundings. This decision had them embark on a grand plan to re-engineer themselves as well as others – socially, culturally and otherwise.

Spending several centuries in Europe being reviled for how they looked – among other things – the Jews decided to change their look for a practical reason. The idea was to blend with the locals and be accepted by them while retaining their religion and practicing it discretely when necessary. To achieve this feat, they kidnapped Nordic looking street children and raised them as Jews. They also adopted orphans and the unwanted children of poor families to raise and crossbreed with their own stock. Where and when possible, they intermarried with adult locals, producing children that looked less Semitic than their parents.

All in all, these methods allowed the Jews to claim that they were “European Semites,” a new breed of humanoids; later named “Douglasoids” by yours truly, in honor of Kirk Douglas whose looks they strive to acquire. But a painful outcome of this machination was that the Jews tried to have it both ways. They claimed to have both European roots and title to a piece of Asia Minor called Palestine, even if they never set foot there.

They were happy with that setup while it lasted – just about three generations. And then it happened that the birthrate of Europeans began to decline, and the locals decided to take-in immigrants from the Arab and Muslim worlds. That's when the Jewish leaders realized that sooner or later, there will be a new breed of “European Arabs” who will outnumber the Jews. This will have the effect of wresting the political decisions from their hands, and giving them to the new breed. The Jewish leaders panicked.

Clifford D. May expresses that panic in his latest article. It came under the title: “We'll always have Paris” and the subtitle: “But like the rest of Europe, it may be a very different place.” It was published on October 10, 2017 in The Washington Times. Clifford May speaks for himself and for Douglas Murray from whose book he quotes a number of passages.

Both believe that Europe is committing suicide by taking-in immigrants from the Arab and Muslim worlds. But why do they say this is suicidal? Believe it or not, they explain their pessimism by citing the qualities of immigrants (Arabs and Muslims included) which the Americans have been saying are qualities that made America the “exceptional” nation it is. The thing is that May and Murray rely on the often discredited surveys and statistics to put a negative spin on those qualities; making them sound like deficiencies.

The truth is that America did well as long as it relied on the natural evolutionary process to develop. That was the method it used as long as it wasn't burdened by a Jewish population. But when the latter got entrenched in America, the artificial approach they brought with them paralyzed the nation. This neutralized the good things that alien exceptionalism had brought to America.

As can be seen, America's problem was never that of the Arabs or the Muslims, but that of the Jews. The same can be said about Europe that chose to adopt the natural evolutionary process rather than the artificially engineered method which the Jewish leaders are throwing at it.