Friday, October 13, 2017

Their Message is the same: War, War, War

Under the guise of discussing the politics of America's Conservative groups regarding the Iran Nuclear Deal, Matthew RJ Brodsky put forward his own philosophy, which is a reiteration of the one and only Jewish philosophy ... well, make that the three-pronged one and only Jewish philosophy: war, war, war.

Brodsky discussed his philosophy in an article he wrote under the title: “The Conservative Politics of the Iran Deal,” published on October 11, 2017 in National Review Online. He says there are two schools of thought: “Call them 'the Fixers' and the 'Walkers.'” He outlined both philosophies, each under its own subtitle, and ended the article by adding a section under the subtitle: “A different Focus,” in which he offered his own not-so-subtle notion of the need for America to keep on the table a “credible military option”.

In fact, when you come right down to it, you realize that both sides in the Conservative debate are saying the same thing, except that each side is saying it a little differently. Brodsky himself points to this fact early on, in a somewhat subtle way. Here it is: “Both see the agreement as fundamentally flawed … technically and structurally deficient … too costly and difficult to destroy from the outside.” This being the case, both sides go on to make demands they know Iran can never accept. And this leads to the conclusion that America, which is on the outside, must destroy the Iranian installations now, before it becomes too difficult to do so.

When we burrow deep inside the arguments of the FIXERS, we discover that they want to play on the world stage the political games they play in America. That is, under the guise of gathering leverage for the U.S., they want to throw enough sand in the gears of the give-and-take machine till it comes to a screeching halt. When this happens, they'll blame the breakdown on Iran, leaving America with no option but their favorite, which is: war, war, war. Here is a montage of how Brodsky put it:

“To negotiate would require establishing American leverage, first over the Europeans, and second over the Iranians, who will find little inducement from a new process. That fits the bill as an initial step for the Fixers because it declares that the deal is not in America's interest. It puts Europe and Iran on notice that the U.S. will walk away if new provisions are not added and the flaws remain unfixed. It represents the initial step in a strategy called 'decertify, waive, slap and fix.' Congress and the president should lay out how the deal must change and, if it doesn't, the consequences Iran will face”.

And that will be the ultimate option; which is an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, thereby unleashing the horror that will flow from such action because Iran will retaliate. It will also call on supporters and sympathizers from around the world to join a Muslim Holy War, provoked by a premeditated Crusade that is fought by thoughtless Christians who were told lies about the nature of Islam, and are now led by their wicked Jewish masters.

As to the WALKERS, they want the president to do the following, according to Brodsky:

“Wave, slap, and walk. That is, wave goodbye, slap on sanctions, and walk away. That's because the regime in Tehran is determined to acquire nuclear weapons no matter what ... The deal's central defect is recognizing Iran's unrestrained right to enrich uranium … After abrogating the deal the U.S. should recreate a new counter-proliferation coalition, including our European allies, Israel, and the Gulf States. Imposition of both unilateral and multilateral sanctions to be enacted independent of the UN Security Council”.

That is, because the Walkers have determined that Iran will develop nuclear weapons anyway – deal or no deal – there is no point adhering to the deal. The Walkers want to abrogate it immediately, thus force Iran to do now what it plans to do later when it will be legal for it to do so. Thus, unfettered by the provisions of an “unfair” deal, America will have the excuse to call Iran's action illegal, and attack it with overwhelming force.

In the way that all roads lead to Rome, all Jewish talks lead to war. Whether it is the Fixers, the Walkers or Brodsky himself, their message is one and the same. It is war, war, war, no matter how they explain their philosophy or how they present their case.

For several decades, the Jews have been kicking sand in the eyes of America's decision makers not to see what they are doing. And they threw sand in the gears of America's political machine to halt its normal function. This done, they advanced their agenda, which has always been war, war, war. And they are still hungry for more of the same.