Saturday, October 14, 2017

Please America, let it not be a Bluff

When by mistake you walk into a place where you don't belong, you excuse yourself, turn around and walk out.

This happened to many legislators in America over the past few decades. They found themselves out of place in a Congress that felt so alien to them; they understood they will accomplish nothing of what they had come to do.

Rather than stay there and see themselves gradually sucked into a vortex where they knew they'll be turned into another beast of burden pulling forward the agenda of the Jewish and gun lobbies, they said goodbye to the place that showed them how betrayal of country and uselessness of purpose are practiced.

Well, this is one good reason why someone would not want to be in a place where he doesn’t belong. Another reason is demonstrated by the following fictitious story:

As a tourist in a large group, you visit a sizable compound that is a renowned historical site. Once inside, the group starts to break up into smaller groupings, each going to examine one section or another of the compound. It happens after a while that you find yourself walking alone into a chamber that looks like a combination of chapel and library. You see a number of monks, some of whom are praying and some are studying. You feel so out of place, you quietly backtrack and walk away.

This is what happened to America at the United Nations (UN.) It's not that there was something wrong with either; the two belonged together initially. But it happened that the disease which hit the American legislative process tried to make its way into the workings of the UN. The gun lobby did not try to influence America's conduct inside that international organization; it was the Jewish mode of operation that did. It accompanied America into the halls of the UN, feeling like a Weinstein walking into a dormitory of young actresses.

Two editorials tell how this story developed. One came under the title: “Bash Israel on your own time” and the subtitle: “Trump is right to bid adieu to UNESCO.” It was published on October 12, 2017 in the New York Daily News. The other editorial came under the title: “America out of Unesco” and the subtitle: “The U.S. shouldn't finance the anti-Israel U.N. agency.” It was published on October 13, 2017 in the Wall Street Journal.

Given that this UN organization promotes “Education, Science and Culture,” America could not keep a straight face debating these issues with the rest of the world while a Jew was sitting on its shoulder, whispering what to say and what to refrain from saying.

Looking at that story, you can see why America felt so estranged from the rest of humanity, having been transformed by the Jewish lobby into a beast of burden barking and braying the Jewish agenda in a place that's supposed to be as sacred as a chapel and a library.

Bearing in mind that the two editorials were written and published when it was thought that an Arab will be elected head of UNESCO, look what the Jewish editors of the New York Daily News had said, and you'll understand America's shame remaining in a place like UNESCO. The first thing the editors did was accuse the organization – which means accuse humanity itself – of being anti-Semitic.

They went on to list their beefs as (1) the organization granting membership to the Palestinian Authority. (2) Passing a resolution criticizing Israeli aggression and the taking of illegal measures against freedom of worship, and Muslims' access to their holy site. (3) It called the Al-Aqsa Compound by its proper Arab name. (4) It confirmed the historical truth that Israel, as an occupying power, has no legal or historical rights in Jerusalem. (5) A Cuban envoy asked for a minute of silence for Palestinians who died in the region.

Also, look what the editors of the Wall Street Journal had said, and once again you'll understand America's shame remaining in a place like UNESCO: “Unesco declared the Tomb of the Patriarchs and other areas as Palestinian heritage sites, an act of political incitement”.

But now that a French Jew of Moroccan descent was elected to head UNESCO, and not a Christian or Muslim Arab as first thought, the concern is that America will say it was only bluffing when it announced it was quitting the organization … and decide to remain in it. That would be a shame if it happened.