Monday, October 23, 2017

When Rapists ask for a second Chance

Do you want to know what it feels like when the tube that's carrying bile to your stomach is made to burst, and the entire load of acid spills into your system?

Do you want to know what it feels like when a pedophile rapist looks you in the eye and asks for the umpteenth time to be given a second chance to work on healing the wounds he keeps inflicting on his victims?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, read the Washington Post editorial that came under the title: “It's time for the U.S. to make a fresh start in South Sudan,” published on October 20, 2017. You'll feel sick being reminded that these are the people whose mob and echo chamber worked relentlessly to bring about the horror that has unfolded in South Sudan, leaving a situation as dire as any hellish place on this planet.

These are the people who failed to pull off their brand of crime against humanity in Darfur, causing much suffering in the Western part of Sudan, but apparently not enough of it to satisfy their hunger for being entertained by the sight of human suffering. And so they turned their attention to both the Eastern part of the country and its Southern part.

They failed to make gains in the East, and so they called on their “big guns” at the Holocaust Memorial in Washington, and on their friends in Hollywood to help them do it to the South. They all went there, taking with them their pedophile sidekicks, and worked to arrange for the horror to take roots. They did so by planting false stories in publications of the Washington Post ilk, about Muslims being responsible for what the Jewish puppeteers of America and their Evangelical puppets were doing in South Sudan.

Having filled their hearts with the joy of being entertained by the horror, but fearing that the show is coming to an end, they started to plan for the cycle to be renewed and maintained for as long as possible. Thus, the same sort of people who publicly wished for the civil war in the Levant to go on forever, are now doing their part to see that the civil war in South Sudan will go on forever. What they want most is that they be entertained by the sight of blood and gore and human suffering in Africa. They want to engineer the kind of spectacle that sets off bombs of joy in their torsos and their bellies.

Because the people that brought you the horror of Libya are too busy trying to replicate it in Kurdistan, they found it necessary to delegate the task of fueling the civil war in South Sudan to the editors of the Washington Post and those like them in other publications. Thus, what you see in the Post's latest editorial is a lamentation – not that the civil war may start again in South Sudan – but that the civil war has abated.

Quick, quick, quick, they cry out to America. They ask it to get involved so that confusion may reign again, and puppeteers from the Jewish den of self-appointed murderous leaders, as well as their beastly Evangelical puppets will again find each other. They also call on the circus-like creatures of Hollywood to come and bring with them their pedophile sidekicks – so that all may stage another horror show in South Sudan.

Look what the demons of hypocrisy say in the first paragraph of their editorial: “Responsibility for this catastrophe rests on the shoulders of two men who led South Sudan to independence in 2011 and then squandered their legacy on war and enriching themselves.” No it wasn't the two Sudanese men (who later became President and Vice-President of the new country) that agitated for independence. They only served as tools in the hands of the Jewish puppeteers, the Evangelical puppets, the circus-like creatures of Hollywood and their pedophile sidekicks. And it was all of these that advertised, financed and led the breakaway movement.

The civil war is over because the faction that followed the Vice President lost, and he fled the country. Instead of giving a detailed account of what happened that brought the situation to a much appreciated end, the editors of the Washington Post pinned the war on the two men and called on America to intervene. But intervene now that the war has ended? Intervene to do what?

Well, the editors want the mischief makers out there to concoct a reason to bring the loser back into the country, and give him a chance to restart the civil war. Unlike those who expressed delight that Arabs were killing each other in Syria, the editors of the Post are not saying they loved the spectacle of the civil war, or that they want to see it restarted. Instead, they say they want to save Sudanese lives.

And they are as credible as a pedophile rapist looking you in the eye and asking for the umpteenth time to be given a second chance to work on healing the wounds he keeps inflicting on his victims.

And you feel like calling on mamma grisly to come and practice the art of reloading.

But being the civilized person that you are, you don't call on mamma grisly. Instead, you express your rage – not by kicking the cat – but banging on the keyboard of your computer.