Monday, November 6, 2017

He wants to repeat the failed Iraq 2 Formula

The Jewish insanity is on the march again. What happened this time is that Jay Solomon – a Jew – has written an article to that effect and had it published on the Jewish website calling itself The Washington Institute. In his article, Solomon articulates the same kind of fake arguments that convinced Georges W. Bush 15 years ago to commit what some have dubbed America's worse mistake: the invasion of Iraq.

The Solomon article came under the title: “North Korea's Alliance with Syria Reveals a Wider Proliferation Threat” and was published on November 2, 2017. A legend written in Italic captures the gist of the article as follows: “The longstanding cooperation between the two regimes seems to have intensified during Syria's war, with troubling implications for future missile, chemical, and even nuclear proliferation in the Middle East”.

I said a moment ago that the Solomon arguments were of the same kind as those used 15 years ago because they were only that, and not identical arguments. Yes, the aim behind the use of such words was identical in both cases: to stimulate America's warmongering appetite. But the approach that was taken to make the case was different each time. It was different in the sense that Solomon is now taking America's warmongering tendency so much for granted he was not meticulous in the way that he presented the evidence that's supposed to back his arguments. He did things sloppily, and he did them embarrassingly so.

The illicit procurement of aluminum tubing was the centerpiece in the mass of evidence that the Jews had fraudulently accumulated during the period 2001-2003 to incite the invasion of Iraq. This time, the centerpiece in the mass of evidence that Solomon has fraudulently accumulated is the illicit procurement of graphite. But unlike 15 years ago, Solomon spent no time trying to convince America's elites of the lies he was spewing. He only made a short statement knowing that the Congress is filled with enough Netanyahu boys they will take what he says at face value. Here is that statement: “Many consider Pyongyang's construction of a graphite reactor in Syria as a nuclear proliferation … North Korean brokers purchased graphite, specialty steel, nozzle throats, and related materials to help Syria.” And this alone was supposed to prove that Syria was making atom bombs.

Or perhaps, there could have been another reason why Solomon felt he had an advantage over his counterparts of yesteryear. It could have been the reason why he did not bother taking the time to try convincing America's elites of what he was saying. It could be that he knew he had an element of “guilt by association” of the kind his precursors did not have. In fact, their element associated Saddam Hussein of Iraq with Russia, which America had accepted as a nuclear power. His element, on the other hand, associated Bashar Assad of Syria with North Korea, which America does not accept as a nuclear power. Thus, Solomon must have calculated that the mere mention – true or false – of Syria and North Korea working together in the nuclear field would be sufficient to stir the bile of America's warmongers, and nudge them to press for the launch of a war against Syria.

Whereas this approach demonstrates the use of psychology to manipulate America into being ready to embark on the war path, the approach is corroborated by another act demonstrating the use of psychology to that same end. Look at the way that Solomon opened his argument: “North Korea's alliance with the Assad regime is stoking fears inside the Trump administration...” Do you know what this is meant to accomplish, my friend? It is designed to “whisper” in the ear of every member in the Trump administration this message: “If you're not scared of North Korea's alliance with Assad, you better get on with it and get scared because everyone else is. You don't want to be the odd man or odd woman out, would you?” This is a well known cheap Jewish trick; it is also a cowardly one. If you ever encounter it, tell the Jew that's purveying it to buzz off, and walk away from him.

Jay Solomon continues to expand on similar ideas in that same vein till he gets to the point where he discusses what he calls “U.S. POLICY OPTIONS.” Here too, he relies on the psychological effect of his presentation to make the points he could not make with reasoned arguments. Here is and example:

U.S. officials are worried that North Korea has been integrating into the coalition of Middle Eastern regimes what Tehran dubs the Axis of Resistance. This alliance has rallied to Assad's defense … some fear that Kim's rapidly expanding weapons arsenal could be more difficult to track”.

Translation: Prepare to bomb them all as soon as you're ready, America. But don't accuse the Jews of pushing you to that end because we'll take credit if and only if the operation will prove successful in the long run.
Otherwise the failure will be tattooed on your forehead and the foreheads of your children. We, Jews don't mess around, you see; we only sucker the likes of you, and we stay safe.