Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Mirror on the Wall nail the most hateful of all?

Susan Shapiro wrote an article to say something that is clear enough, but in the process also said something that can lead to a useful idea.

She wrote “Old-school hate at The New School,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “The university is wrong to put Linda Sarsour on a panel.” It was published on November 26, 2017 in the New York Daily News. The point Shapiro makes is that hate is bad, Linda Sarsour is spreading hate, therefore Linda Sarsour and all those like her must not be allowed to exercise their right to free speech. She could not be clearer than that.

But when you analyze what Shapiro says Sarsour is saying, you conclude that Sarsour is also decrying the spreading of hate because it is a bad thing. The difference between the two women is seen in the manner that each wants to remedy the situation. Whereas Shapiro says: “Deprive my opponent of her First Amendment,” Sarsour says: “Do not deprive the American people of their constitutional right to buy what they wish to consume, or to boycott what they feel is immoral to encourage”.

Glossing at the two arguments in a cursory way, we find them to be equally compelling. If they don't to some of us, we pretend they do at least for now. We do because we must designate one of the arguments as winner, and be fair about the process that leads us to making our choice. Lucky for us, we discover that Susan Shapiro has already tried something along this line. She set up a test by which to determine how bad some activities are, and who practices them. A condensed version of the relevant passages to that effect follows:

“When someone scapegoats Israel but ignores the crimes committed by the 1.8 billion people in 50 Muslim-majority countries, which proves racism against Jews. Why don't Sarsour and BDS proponents boycott Syria? Or Saudi Arabia, home of beheadings? Most lists of countries with human rights abuses include Jordan, Libya, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Iraq and Kuwait –– none of which Sarsour publicly rallies against. More worthy of slurs and sanctions is Hamas. They spend millions on explosives smuggled through underground tunnels. Though less than 2% of the U.S. population is Jewish, the FBI has documented anti-Semitic hate crimes surging in America too”.

In saying that someone is scapegoating Israel, Shapiro says that someone is victimizing Israel. She goes on to claim that 1.8 billion Muslims commit similar crimes, but are ignored. Thus, she concludes this can only be an expression of racism. But what did Susan Shapiro really establish with that passage?

For one thing she has admitted that Israel commits crimes for which it is held accountable. But does that mean the Muslims are not held accountable? She seems to so insinuate but then contradicts herself by admitting that not just one list but “most lists of countries with human rights abuses include Jordan, Libya…” These countries are on the list to be held accountable. So then, what does it mean that Israel is victimized? It means that Susan Shapiro is playing the demonic game of attributing to Israel the pain that Israel is inflicting on the Palestinians. It's the occupation, stupid! That's the crime which sets Israel apart from everyone else.

Shapiro goes on to ask: “Why don't Sarsour and BDS proponents boycott Syria? Or Saudi Arabia? Or the list of Arab countries –– none of which Sarsour publicly rallies against.” The answer to those questions is simple. For every Sarsour rallying against Israel's occupation of Palestine, there are ten thousand Jews rallying against the Arab countries for every little thing they commit, and everything they are falsely accused of committing.

The writer of the article now switches her attention to Hamas. She says that they deserve being slandered and boycotted more than anyone because they spend millions of dollars on explosives. True or false, exaggerated or not, if what Shapiro wants is justice, and knowing that for every dollar Hamas spends on weapons, Israel spends ten thousand dollars, it must be she mentally processed that Israel is ten thousand times “more worthy of slurs and sanctions [than] Hamas”.

And this could well be the reason why her subconscious mind made her cite this piece of statistics: “Though less than 2% of the U.S. population is Jewish, the FBI has documented anti-Semitic hate crimes surging in America too.” It means Shapiro has finally realized that Jews are hated not because humanity suffers from a genetic defect called anti-Semitism, but because the Jews work hard to create anti-Semitism, nurture it and maintain it.

Shapiro lost the argument to Sarsour because she defeated herself by embracing the immorality of wishing to speak freely while silencing those who oppose her views. Typically, the woman suffers from the Jewish disease.