Friday, November 24, 2017

It's not only Russia; it's the human Race

Whether it is the social games that school kids play or those you sense at the office or those you detect in the political arena, the players that win in the end are those that pull the most cowardly tricks … unfortunately.

And when it comes to the politico-journalistic establishment, you'll want to award the gold medal for cowardly trickery to the Jewish editors of the Wall Street Journal. An example of their work is the editorial they wrote under the title: “Russia's U.N. Trump snub” and the subtitle: “Moscow kills a chemical weapons investigation to help Syria's Assad,” published on November 20, 2017.

You recognize a cowardly act by its specific signature. For example, if you see a person that's in a position of power or one that has the moral character to influence others – suddenly act out of character, you instinctively suspect that he or she was sucked into the orbit of a cowardly demon, and has ceased to be himself or herself.

This condition can happen to a teacher that suddenly picks on a student for no apparent reason; it can happen to a supervisor that picks on an employee, or happen to a Congress that picks on a country or a group having the same characteristics. And of course, it can happen to a once respected publication such as the Wall Street Journal that was sucked into the orbit of Jewish demons, thus became just another disrespected rag.

You can tell this is what happened to the Wall Street Journal from the pieces it has been publishing in the style of the current editorial. The title alone embodies much of the demonic cowardice that's detected in this kind of writing. In saying that Russia snubbed Trump, the Jewish editors are trying to turn an international dispute into a personal obsession of Donald Trump, President of the United States. The aim of the editors is to motivate Trump to drop everything he is doing in the service of America, and work to reverse what the Russians have done that conflicts with Israel's various schemes to dominate the region.

The snub according to the Journal is this: “Russia refused to renew the mandate of a UN panel investigating Syria's chemical weapons use. The rejection is an embarrassment for the Trump Administration.” Do you realize how crammed with hate this statement is? Well, let me explain this part before I go any further. The hatred that the Jews have for Egypt goes back nearly three and a half millenniums, to the days of Moses. Unlike normal people whose hatred for something subsides with time, the Jews experience the opposite effect. Hate in their hearts grows with the passage of time.

Thus, you can imagine to what size the Jewish hatred for Egypt has grown in the span of time between Moses and now. And if you've been following the “intellectual” work of Jews during the two most difficult years that Egypt was going through in the recent past, you might have detected their joyful anticipation that Egypt was going to disintegrate like Iraq, Syria or Libya.

The way they expressed that joy was to attach the word 'embarrassment' to everything they associated with Egypt. For example, they said it was an embarrassment for the president of the country that the Suez Canal revenues remained flat instead of growing during a given quarter. It was an embarrassment for the security apparatus when an IED exploded under a military vehicle in the Sinai. It was an embarrassment for the army when infiltrators from Libya got as far as they did in the Egyptian desert before being detected … and so on.

No one else in the world was given that same treatment until now. Who got it this time? Here are the words of the Journal's Jewish editors: “The Russian rejection is a public embarrassment for the Trump Administration.” Welcome to the swamp, America … the place where Jewish hate extends from time immemorial to eternity.

But what was it that the Russians did, anyway? The Russians not only refused to renew the mandate to investigate the possible use of chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war, they sent a strong message to the Americans. They said this: If you'll keep using your veto to protect Israel and allow it to commit crimes against humanity, we won't go as far as protect our clients when they commit crimes, but we'll shield them when you try abusing the investigative powers of the United Nations.

And that's that, America! If you want to make the Jews masters over your people; that's your business. But if you want to make them masters over the human race, it will be our business and that of the human race. Together, we'll stop you cold. Period.