Thursday, November 30, 2017

Jews say Declaration of Independence is wrong

The Arabs did not invent Marxism; the Jewish Karl Marx did. The Arabs did not give to Marxist Soviet Union the secrets of America's nuclear bomb; the Jews did. And yet, the Jewish Shoshana Bryen says that America will be better off having Israel as an ally rather than the Arabs.

In modern times, the Arabs did not steal America's secrets; the dual-loyalty Jews stole blueprints used by Israel to bomb Iraq's civilian power station. And they stole blueprints of the stealth warplane which they gave to Israel that turned around and sold them to China.

But why do the Jews behave that way? They do because they believe they are the new master race, therefore have the right to usurp the powers they see in the hands of others, and use them to advance their agenda at the expense of those they hurt … including America.

Going back many centuries, when Muslim Arabs started to put down the foundation of modern science, and Europe was living in the Dark Ages, the Jews tried to use the chemical reactions they learned from the Arabs, to impress the Europeans and cement their supremacy over the Christian World. The latter did not like it one bit, and forced the Church of Spain to take a closer look at the Muslim science the Jews were dabbling in. The Church called what it was seeing “Devilish Black Magic” that violates the fundamental precepts of Christianity. It launched the Spanish Inquisition to probe into the matter, thus opened the door for the slaughter of many Jews.

That's not the only time or place where the Jews were slaughtered in Europe for doing what they did. They were slaughtered everywhere, from Russia in the East, straddling the Eurasian super Continent, to the British Isles in the West where the European Continent kisses the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the time, ordinary people were the ones to take matters in their own hands, letting the Jews know they had it up to here with their antics. The exception was the Nazi government that sought to implement the “Final Solution” by slaughtering their Jewish rivals on an industrial scale, and do away with them once and for all.

The Jews survived this one, and carried on with their merry way, playing the same old game and risking the repetition of the same old results. They are at it in full force once again, playing a dirty game that's so complicated they believe they will be safe this time because no one will see through it. Yes, the game is complicated, but repetition has forced its secrets to reveal themselves. In fact, the risk is back, danger for the Jews is looming, and everyone perceives it except the Jews.

If you want to know why the Jews are so dismissive of the mistakes they make that they cannot see why they are setting the stage for their demise yet again, you'll want to read the article that came under the title: “Calling out Palestinian peace process failures,” written by Shoshana Bryen, and published on November 28, 2017 in The Washington Times.

Sensing that peace negotiations will soon resume between the Palestinians and Israel, and wanting to make the point that America must not be neutral when moderating the talks, Shoshana Bryen played the usual Jewish three-pronged game: (1) She praised Israel while badmouthing the Palestinians; (2) she claimed that America benefits by associating with Israel; (3) she quoted a British rabbi who says that Jews are the new master race. She then argued that America must not be neutral playing the role of mediator, but biased in favor of Israel.

First, Bryen praised Israel for doing the things that kids from Third World countries do blindfolded, and go to international competitions where they win prizes for projects they put together that Israeli kids and adult Israeli professionals cannot dream of. Never has an Israeli won anything in those competitions.

Second, America's association with Israel has taken her from the status of beloved superpower to pariah everyone wants to avoid. That's because America arms Israel. It protects it from prosecution when it commits crimes against humanity. America did not rebuke Israel when the latter claimed that the superpower gave it ammunition to bomb Palestinian children asleep inside a UN school. On several occasions, Israel threatened to start a war it cannot win to force America to come rescue it. And the list of Israeli bad behavior is endless.

Third, Bryen says that when writing the American Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers didn't know what they were talking about, so she corrected them. Stripped of fluff, here is that passage: “Israel's relationship with the U.S. runs deeper than any practical point. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said: It is presupposed in the Declaration of Independence: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.' Those truths are anything but self-evident. They are self-evident only to people who have internalized the Hebrew bible”.

In other words, Shoshana Bryen and her favorite rabbi believe that only the Jews are advanced enough to know the truth. Think about it.