Friday, December 1, 2017

A criminal Hand constantly sabotaging America

When you buy food in a can or a jar, you don't stop and think it may be contaminated with a deadly substance that can kill you. This is because you trust that inspection at the manufacturing level is thorough, and the chances that your fears will come true are near zero.

When you buy a house that was inspected by a professional and declared free of defects, you trust that this is true, thus pay what you negotiated for it and take possession. As well, you trust that you have a safe vehicle when buying a used car that was inspected by a mechanic and certified as being free of defects.

What these examples indicate is that society runs on a certain amount of trust. Of course, mistakes can happen because an inspector may not do his/her job well, in which case the buyer gets stuck with a defective product. This can have nefarious consequences that will show up later, ranging from simple inconvenience to the loss of life. The case – usually a civil one that does not involve criminal procedure – is adjudicated in a court of law where the amount of restitution if any is decided.

But there are instances where criminal conduct is suspected, requiring a different procedure. This can happen when someone tampers with a product, intending to cause harm. The act may take the form of injecting poison into the food or tampering with the brakes of a car, for example. More than any other, this type of crimes is considered exceptionally cowardly because it erodes the trust that maintains society's cohesion. Thus, the penalty imposed on the perpetrator is severe whether the resulting act caused a small injury or a serious one.

The above represents the real life situations citizens go through in this world, day in and day out. But is there a parallel kind of world where the rules ought to be same but are not? Yes, there is. You can see how an odd kind of life unfolds in it when you delve in the article that came under the title: “Move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,” written by Wilson Shirley and published on November 28, 2017 in National Review Online.

As suggested by the title, this case mixes local American politics with international diplomacy. It touches not only the countries of the Middle East but also a good part of the Christian and Muslim worlds beyond the region. What the writer is doing is tell America to ignore the poison in the food, and eat it anyway. He is telling it to ignore the brakes that were tampered with, and drive the car anyway.

Before going any further, here is a historical note about the serial criminal that keeps poisoning America's food and keeps tampering with the brakes of the vehicle America drives in that crazy world: There was a time when the word had gone out to Jewish women in America telling them to get pregnant and rush to have their babies in occupied Jerusalem. The idea was to force the American government to register the births as having occurred in Jerusalem, Israel. The government said “no” to this trick. The Jews took the case up the legal ladder to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) where they lost when the High Court confirmed the legality of the government's “no”.

What the serial criminal is trying to do now is force America to eat from the food that was made in 1995 according to the criminal's own recipe. It was prepared by the sausage makers that populate the American Congress of the brain dead. Needless to say that the sausage contains the most virulent kind of poison the Jewish criminal has ever devised. Here is how the poison was injected into the sausage: “Congress passed the Jerusalem Act mandating moving America's embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to a 'unified' Jerusalem”.

Do you see that word “unified”? That's the virulent poison in the sausage. To implement the Act is to make America violate international law as well as its own. It will do so because it will have implicitly recognized Israel's criminal annexation of occupied Palestinian land known as East Jerusalem. By moving the embassy to Jerusalem and calling it unified, America will have accepted making Israel's crime America's own crime.

The principle of tricking the American government into violating international law and its own so as to give the Jews what belongs to someone else has been rejected by SCOTUS. The Jews lost once, so they came back with another trick, trying to achieve the same illegal goal.

The time has come to publicly tell the Jews enough is enough. Their constant attempts to erode the trust Americans have in the integrity of their system is taking a toll on the nation. It shall no longer be tolerated.