Sunday, November 26, 2017

Let them not use you to hurt others again

You can be politically correct all you want and hide the ugly faces of the hideous, hoping to win their favors. You can be callous all you want and hurt the innocent, trying to appeal to the masses. But all you'll accomplish is score very little of what will impress the first, and nothing of what will satisfy the second.

This is the lesson that Americans have – or should have – learned over the last quarter century. The readers who wonder what this is about should read the article that came under the title: “Libya Is a Failed State (and It's America's Fault,)” written by Ted Galen Carpenter and published on November 24, 2017 in The National Interest.

This work is a catalog of what was said in America at the start of Libya's destruction; what was said right after its destruction, and what the result of the destruction has been. It is an honest and exhaustive description of the three phases that went from the expression of optimism to the euphoric celebration of what just happened to the realization that a hellish horror is what really happened.

But the one thing that's missing in this literary effort is the revelation that the demonic undercurrent powering the horrific Libya adventure and all similar adventures, has been the Jewish scheme to use America's power in the destruction of every progress made by an Arab or Muslim country in the neighborhood where Israel was planted by the colonial powers of olden days to accomplish precisely that demonic outcome.

When the Jewish establishment in America had managed to stir the anger of Arab and Muslim kids throughout the world, motivating them to turn against their governments and against the “West,” it also managed to orchestrate the voices of the echo chamber to demand that America's “enemy” be clearly labeled and identified as Islamic terrorism. The mob of Jewish pundits and its Evangelical dogs responded to that demand by barking the refrain: “say it is Islamic terrorism,” intending to establish a false association between acts of terror committed by kids incited by Jews, with the Muslim establishment that was the victim of that terror. But when the Executive in America tried to implement the travel policies that would have put the Jewish demands in practice, the public and the courts forcefully rejected the move. How come?

It happened because the American public had its intelligence insulted too often by the Jewish establishment, thus recognized the ruse that was engineered to cash in on those insults. Instead of allowing this to happen, the public made clear what it expects at this time. It wants to see the voices of good and decent Americans join in a chorus to demand that the enemy of the Republic be clearly labeled and identified as the lobby representing the Judeo-Israeli establishment in America. In effect, Americans want to hear it said: It's the Jewish conspiracy.

To assist in achieving that goal, the readers who are beginning to develop an interest in this subject, will find the backgrounder they'll need in the Ted Carpenter article. It should initiate them in the specifics of the topic because Carpenter names the individuals in America who are most vociferous when it comes to sacrificing the interests of their country in the fulfillment of Israel's interests. They are the six horses pulling America's chariot of the apocalypse who took America from the mood of optimism to the euphoria of seeing an Arab country destroyed to the satisfaction that America has again inflated the glory of Israel. What follows is a condensed version of the relevant passages illustrating those points:

“Senators John McCain (1) and Lindsey Graham (2) were positive.’The end of the Gadhafi regime is a victory for the Libyan people and the broader cause of freedom in the Middle East and throughout the world,' they concluded. The two senators, along with their Republican colleagues, Mark Kirk (3) and Marco Rubio (4), gushed that the rebels had 'inspired the world.' Ivo H. Daalder (5), the U.S, ambassador to NATO, and Adm. James Stavridis (6) were equally enthusiastic. Describing the intervention as 'an extraordinary job, well done,' they called it 'an historic victory for the people of Libya who, with NATO's help, transformed their country into a nation with the potential to become a productive partner with the West.' Much of the media chimed in about the glorious outcome of the U.S.-NATO intervention. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof was euphoric about how the people he encountered in Libya loved America”.

It should be clear from those passages that the Jewish crime syndicate, which sits at both ends of the New-York/Tel-Aviv axis, makes it sound that the interests of Israel are those of America, NATO and the West. In fact, nothing can be further from the truth.

The truth is that Israel's interests are satisfied by the reduction of America, NATO and the West. This can only be the case because Israel has nothing to contribute, yet wants everything. This is why the Jewish crime syndicate plays the zero-sum game of transferring to Israel tangible benefits in return for hot air about its fictitious contribution to the security of America, NATO and the West.