Friday, October 26, 2018

Cannot see the World looking into a peep Hole

Here is an example of what's wrong with the kind of journalism the Jews brought to America. It is an editorial that came under the title: “The Muslim moment,” published on October 24, 2018 in The Washington Times.

Using the Khashoggi incident as a springboard, the editors of that publication sought to give a panoramic view of what they acknowledge is “1.5 billion Muslims, 22 percent of world population.” This is like looking through a peep hole and expecting to see a good chunk of the world.

A 6-year-old that tries a thing like this would make his teacher explain how big some things are, and how visual perspective works. On the other hand, a 7-year-old trying it, would make the teacher call the parents and inform them that their child will have to be sent to a class for children with special needs.

The sad part is that Journalism in America used to be as good as any in the world until a few decades ago when it was infested by the Judeo-Yiddish culture. That's the one which says truth is what you make someone believe it is, no matter how much what you say contradicts observable facts in real life.

The Jewish infestation of America's culture caused it to become imbued with the notion that repeating the lies often enough will cause you to believe your own lies. When this happens, you'll become so naturally adept at making others believe what you tell them, you'll have earned the title of honorary Jew whether or not you like it; whether or not you intend to convert to their ideology.

Look what the editors of the Washington Times did to open the gates that have allowed them to flood the marketplace of ideas with a torrent of venomous lies. They began a short paragraph by quoting Jamal Khashoggi who wrote this: “The Arab world has been seeking renaissance for the last 100 years...”

The editors cut off Khashoggi's saying at this point, and grafted on it a deadly vine of the kind that the Jewish propaganda machine produces all the time. Here is what they added: “...but the movement for reform had been blocked by authoritarian leaders and public rage at endemic corruption.” But that's not what Khashoggi has said. In fact, this is nothing more than a manifestation of the poison which the Judeo-Yiddish infestation has been infusing into the American culture.

The truth is that of all the nations that were colonized in Africa and Asia, the Arabs (Christians and Muslims) modernized faster than everyone else. They did, faster even than the Latin Americans who might have been oppressed by their “Gringo” neighbors, but were not colonized by them. In fact, the Arabs have managed to progress despite the strategies that the colonial powers continued to implement in their region to prevent them from progressing at the high rate that their talent would have allowed them to.

Not knowing what they are doing, the editors of The Washington Times came up with this piece of quackery: “Muslims are in the ascendency, if only through the early steps of the modernization of their ancient societies.” Well then, when it comes to history, these editors display a level of education so low, it would be a waste of time sending them to take a remedial course.

In fact, the editors of the Times do not know that –– unlike Assyria, Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, even Greece and others –– the Muslims did not have an “ancient” history to speak of. Their empire began to take shape at the start of what is called the Middle Age.

The Muslims built one of the most brilliant civilizations to ever grace this planet, and passed it on to the Europeans who had their Renaissance as a result, having lived more than a thousand years in the “Dark Age” after the fall of Rome. But when the Europeans began to rise, the Muslims declined relative to them.

However, what's happening now is that the Muslims are having their own Renaissance. It happened in less than half the time that it took the Europeans to have theirs. All of this was lost on the editors of the Washington Times who learned by rote the lessons that follow; hammered into their skulls by their Jewish masters:

When the Jews attack someone, they defend themselves. When those they attack defend themselves, they terrorize the Jews.

When hundreds of priests rape thousands of choir boys despite taking a vow of chastity, we say these priests do not represent Christianity. When a handful of Muslim kids are savagely brutalized by Jews and Christians, and the kids fight back, we say they represent aggressive Islam.

This is the new Age of Darkness that Jewish journalism is infusing into the American culture.