Thursday, October 18, 2018

Doing the Groundwork for a Jewish Deep State

Thanks to Alan Dershowitz that has the Midas Touch in reverse, academia was put beyond the ability of Jews to take ownership of it the way they did other American institutions.

At first, the Jews seemed to make progress with academia as well, but it turned out that where people think, the door remains locked to Jewish absurdities, even when the latter are disguised as deep thinking.

And so, when academia took down the disguise that was masking the reality of Jewish logic, it exposed the horrific deformities of the underlying thinking, and told the Jews to take their logic and buzz off.

But the reality is that when it comes to taking control of something, the Jews never take “no” for an answer. When rebuffed, they pretend to go away but only take a few steps back. They circle the thing they covet, and look closely for the next opportunity to pounce on the thing and try to grab it and run.

That's what the Jews are attempting to do at this time. You'll be able to see for yourself by reading the article that came under the title: “Think Professors Are Liberal? Try School Administrators,” and the subtitle: “The ideological bent of those overseeing collegiate life is having the biggest impact on campus culture.” It was written by Samuel J. Abrams and published on October 16, 2018 in the New York Times.

What the Jews have discovered is that tenured and non-tenured professors are true professionals that take their work seriously. They teach their students in an even-handed manner regardless of their bent, if indeed they have one. In fact, despite the tsunami of slanderous propaganda that the Jewish organizations unleashed on the profession in general, and the individual professors that irked them in particular, academia remained serene. It kept doing the good work amid the barking and the braying of beasts demanding blood.

The Jews then decided it was time to attack the institutions of higher learning from another angle. Instead of going after the professors, they went after the administrators. The problem, they now say, is not what happens inside the classroom –– there's no problem there –– it's what happens outside of it. Here is how Samuel Abrams began to tell his story: “I received a disconcerting email from the Office of Diversity and Campus Engagement at the college where I teach, soliciting ideas from the [entire] community”.

Abrams went on to explain that, “these events are conducted outside the classroom, in the students' social and recreational spaces.” The event in question was a conference that was open to all, he says, which means that anyone that had ideas they wanted to share with others, were welcome to do so. But you wonder what was it that disconcerted Abrams? Well, combing the article, you find him saying it was the title of the conference … the thing that went like this: “Our Liberation Summit.” To him this meant that the conference would touch on progressive topics. And that was enough to upset him.

It is also what makes him say the institutions of higher learning in America are going to the dogs. It's not that the professors are force-feeding the students their point of view … an accusation that proved to be false. It's not that the conference––which is open to all––is allowing the expression of some views but not others. No; it is none of that. Rather, it is the fact that the title of the conference sounded too progressive.

Do you know what this means, my friend? It means that the Jews are telling the American people, they will be monitoring them, and will work to sensor not only what people say on any topic, but sensor the topics themselves. That is, even if you, citizen of the United States of America, are a conservative, and you participate in a conference about a woman's right to choose, for example, you'll be made to pay dearly, no matter which side of the topic you defended at the conference.

To make it sound like his suggestion has merit, Samuel Abrams did the following:

“Intrigued, I surveyed a nationally representative sample of roughly 900 administrators. I found that liberal staff members outnumbered their conservative counterparts by the ratio of 12-to-one. Only 6 percent of campus administrators identified as conservative, while 71 percent classified themselves as liberal. It's no wonder so much of the nonacademic programming on campus is politically one-sided”.

The Jews who never cease to engineer and re-engineer the society that takes them in from the cold, are doing it to America “in your face.” They no longer hide that their aim is to control as much as they can of the country. And they speak openly about the belief that America exists to work for Israel regardless of the consequences of such a posture on the American public.

And this is why Abrams has openly advocated the following: “This should give the students and their families pause. To students in their first semester, I urge you not to accept what your campus administrators are telling you.” Instead, he wants the students to accept what he is telling them. Can someone be more Jewish than that?

That's how the Jews are working to take over the bureaucracy that runs the American institutions of higher learning, intending to turn them into a deep state of Jewish logic modeled after the graveyard of human intelligence known as the Congress of the United States.