Friday, October 19, 2018

Scavenging to establish the Jewish Deep State

A scavenger is a rapacious animal that's also lazy and lacking in imagination. It has an insatiable appetite, which it satisfies by stealing the food (usually the leftovers) that other predators hunt and consume.

The tendency to scavenge exists in humans as well. You can see examples of it in every walks of life, especially in the places where stealing is done, not by transferring physical objects from one holder to another –– though it happens at times –– but by duplicating what is called intellectual property, and using it in a setting that's different from the original intent. Called plagiarism or mining, these practices are frowned upon.

However, duplicating the works of others, in full or in part, while giving full credit to the original authors, is not always illegitimate. For example, reviewers of works produced by others do that all the time, as do the creative authors who become so enamored with an original production, they produce sequels to it.

But here is the unpleasant surprise. Some people found a way to use that legitimate practice, and turn it around to make it serve their scavenging tendencies. You can see an example of that in the article which came under the title: “Michelle Obama's urgent lesson to college administrators” and the subtitle: “Foster an environment conducive to free speech.” It was written by Samuel J. Abrams and published on October 17, 2018 in New York Daily News.

In this episode, Michelle Obama is the creator of an ideal product she designed to serve a lofty purpose – as admitted to by Samuel Abrams. Having pointed that out, Abrams switched to playing the role of scavenger. In so doing, he used Michelle Obama's work to serve his own crass purposes. Look how he did that:

First, Abrams introduced the former first lady: “Michelle Obama offered a glimpse of sanity this week ... responding to Eric Holder.” He then quoted what she had said: “If we're the adults and the leaders in the room, and we're not showing that level of decency, we cannot expect our kids to do the same.” Her setting being the political discourse in which Eric Holder was participating, Abrams changed all that with a sleight of hand. He redirected the energy that was produced by Michelle Obama, and made it serve his own agenda; one that happened to be unfolding in another setting.

Here is how Samuel Abrams did that: “Just look at our college campuses. There is resistance to free speech on today’s universities and colleges. Who is to blame? The people Michelle Obama calls to lead –– college administrators,” and that's the big lie.

No, Michelle Obama was not responding to college administrators. Besides responding specifically to Eric Holder, she was responding generally to scavengers such as Samuel Abrams who make everything about themselves, their fake Jewish identity, and the illegitimate entity they call Israel.

That's what you'll find at the heart of the maneuverings the Jewish leaders never stop doing. Their never-ending goal is to use the full gamut of America's resources to fulfill the Judeo-Israeli agenda, which happens to be infinite in scope. For this reason, the Jews need to have a setting they can control as colonial masters. They need to feel they are presiding over a tame population that's raised in the belief –– however false it may be –– it has everything going for it in a world that cannot get anything right.

To achieve all that, the Jews started working on a comprehensive plan several decades ago. You can be certain that it is a plan they'll never abandon no matter how long it will take to complete, if ever, and no matter what obstacles they'll encounter along the way.

The plan consists of switching from the phase of “educating the American public on Jewish sensitivities” where they have been for a number of decades, to a new and more astounding phase. What they want to do now is take full responsibility for teaching Americans from kindergarten to graduate school. To that end, they have been working on the public to accept imposing Holocaust stories in schools to inculcate children –– from grade one till they finish high school –– with the notion that they, as Americans, owe the Jews a living.

To make certain that there will be no “resistance” to their decrees, the Jews want to take control of the bureaucracy that's in charge of the system of higher education. They figure that when this will be completed, they'll have the deep state that will bend the faculty to their will, and give them full control over the student body.

The Jews also believe that when they'll have accomplished all this, the world will be ready to welcome the promised “Rapture” that will see the coming of the Messiah.

The legend they have been dreaming about is that He will formally give them ownership of the Earth and all that's in it … including all of us, mere mortal human beings.