Sunday, October 28, 2018

They are playing the Judeo-Israeli double Game

The Tel-Aviv/New-York syndicate has a delicate double-game to play, thus called on Jack-of-all-trades America to get busy. The syndicate has instructed America to use its right arm doing one thing, and use its left arm doing the opposite thing. The syndicate has also instructed its mouthpieces to use the right side of the mouth to say one thing, and use the left side of the mouth to say a contradictory thing.

Having succeeded to a large extent at isolating America and monopolizing it to exclusively serve Israel's interests in the Middle East and beyond, the syndicate now wants to use American power and prestige to accomplish a related feat; this time using Iran as a backdrop. You can see how the syndicate is doing it because it finds itself in a spot where it must run two contradictory discourses simultaneously. It is running one with the world community and running another with America's ruling coterie.

Stationed on the right side of the syndicate's mouth, Danny Danon, who is Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, is telling the world community that now is: “Zero Hour for the Islamic Republic.” This happens to be the title of an article that Danon wrote; one that also came under the subtitle: “The time has come for the world to unite against Iran's regime.” The article was published on October 25, 2018 in the right-wing American publication, The Wall Street Journal.

The next day, October 26, 2018, the editors of the left-wing American publication, The Washington Post –– who sit on the syndicate's left side of the mouth –– came up with an editorial that contained a conciliatory set of ideas designed to please Iran. To make sure that the Washington coterie will pay attention to their piece, the editors of the Post ran it under the scary title: “The worst may be yet to come in the Middle East”.

What follows is a condensed version of what Danny Danon has been telling the international community:

“Iran's regime is facing unrest at home and sanctions from abroad. Financial pressure has compounded its domestic turmoil. The rial has plummeted, its oil exports have fallen. A second round of sanctions will target its oil and gas sectors. The world must not believe that normalizing relations with Tehran will improve global security. Europe should stand fast with the US. With more sanctions approaching, now is the time to increase the pressure on Iran's rulers. I call on my colleagues at the UN to join the US and Israel in standing against Iran”.

It is clear from this passage that the syndicate is trying to isolate Iran by inciting the international community to distance itself from it. The excuse the syndicate is advancing for giving this kind of advice, is that Iran has already lost the battle, and those who stick with it will be losers. Look now what the editors of the Washington Post are telling the Washington coterie:

“A goal of the US in the Middle East ought to be promoting a balance among its powers that favors US interests. Trump chose to side with Sunni Saudi Arabia. That has enabled a series of disasters, and the worst may be yet to come. The region is moved by a conflict between Shiites and Sunnis. Shiite Iran is attempting to establish itself as the regional hegemon. It must be resisted but not by aligning the US with Sunnis. The balance is hard to strike. Trump renouncing the nuclear deal and reimposing sanctions on Iran will escalate tensions without a clear purpose. Regime change in Tehran doesn't look likely, nor does the elimination of Iran as a regional force.
The best US policy would push back against Iran in Syria, while containing the Sunni states. Trump ought to accept that US policy cannot consist of demonizing Iran and embracing its enemies”.

It is clear from this passage that the syndicate is trying to bring Iran into the America/Israel fold by calling on America to be nice to Iran. Well then, my friend, what we have here are two clear trends which –– when juxtaposed to each other –– show a classic example of the Jewish doubletalk.

It is that on the one hand, the Jews are telling the world Iran is a bad player that's going down the drain. The advice to the international community being: Stay away from Iran or you'll suffer the same fate.

On the other hand, the Jews are telling America that Iran is a robust player that will withstand any pressure America will bring to bear on it. The advice to America being: Do not antagonize Tehran by embracing the causes of its enemies.