Friday, December 28, 2018

And they claim this is not Warmongering

Year after year, and decade after decade, the self-appointed Jewish leaders have blown their entrails out of their bellies, hollering that it was anti-Semitic to accuse them of warmongering. They said that such accusations make ordinary people hate Jews, an attitude that has the potential to lead to a holocaust, perhaps the ultimate one.

And yet, year after year and decade after decade — make that, day after day and week after week — you see a spectacle of Jewish punditry like the one that's running now. Featured in today’s show, are the three horsemen of the apocalyptic mob of Jewish punditry, doing their usual warmongering thing. They are Benny Avni, Clifford D. May and Daniel Pipes.

Avni wrote two columns in less than a week lamenting President Trump's decision to end America's involvement in the Syrian war, and then advised him to rekindle America's penchant to go to war. On December 19, 2018, Avni published: “The Syria withdrawal may be Trump's biggest blunder yet,” and on December 25, 2018, he published: “An 'America First' strategy for Trump in 2019.” Both columns appeared in the New York Post.

As to Clifford May, he wrote a column lamenting President Trump's decision to end America's involvement in the Syrian war and to reduce America's involvement in the Afghan war. This is the one that has been going for 17 years, and was dubbed America's longest war. May's column came under the title: “Looking for the exits,” published on December 25, 2018 in The Washington Times.

As to Daniel Pipes who should be nicknamed 'Master of Redundancy,' he did it again. He wrote: “Tectonic shifts in attitudes toward Israel,” an article in which he mentions yet another reason why Israel's military should move-in massively and wipe the Palestinians off the face of the Earth. The Pipes article was published on December 26, 2018 in The Washington Times.

In his December 19, 2018 column, Benny Avni chides President Trump for making what he says was a bad deal. Here is how he put it: Trump leaving Syria was a component in a deal with Erdogan. The Turks get a free hand dealing with the Kurds, while America gets nothing. Trump blundered conceding to Ankara without getting commitments in return.

Speaking of blunder, do you realize what blunder Benny Avni committed in writing that passage? Let me tell you: He forgot what he wrote a year ago about the concession that Trump made without getting something in return. Trump had moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem without getting as much as a commitment from Netanyahu that there will be no more theft of Palestinian land. Benny Avni hailed Trump's move as if it were the best thing that happened to the Milky Way since the Big Bang.

And that's not all, my friend. After chiding Trump on December 19, 2018 for the concession he made to Ankara, Avni went on to write the following, only 6 days later in this December 25, 2018 column: “Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, pleasing Israel.” He meant it as a compliment to Trump even though moments before, he was chiding him for treating Turkey the same as he treated Israel. Call this the shameless celebration of Jewish double standard.

As to the Clifford May article, there is little in it that’s not a rehash of what he has been spewing for years. The only thing that might catch your attention is Clifford May's quoting George Orwell who said: “The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.” Of course, Orwell being Orwell, he must have had a corollary for that saying. It may be sitting in a drawer or an attic somewhere, waiting to be discovered. Until this happens, we may speculate as to how the corollary might go. How about this: “The quickest way to win a war is never to start one.” It sounds very Orwellian, does it not?

Let's now look at the Daniel Pipes article. After describing the new world order, not as it is, but as he wishes it had become, Daniel Pipes relied on the fantasy he created to argue yet again for the resolution of the Palestinian situation, not by the rule of law as spelled out in Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, but by crushing the Palestinians. This is like saying the way to deal with a rape victim who refuses to accept what's being done to her, is to murder the thing, thus establish her silence.

Here are Daniel Pipes' actual words: “A resolution of the Palestinian issue should be a priority for Israelis. It does not mean touting a peace plan. It means, an Israeli victory and a Palestinian defeat will achieve this. Getting the Palestinians to cry uncle is an urgent priority for Israel and its supporters”.

What can be more beastly, more savage and more Jewish than this?