Saturday, December 29, 2018

Trying to drag America into an African Waterloo

Can you imagine a sub-Saharan Africa of half a billion people on their way to doubling their numbers before the end of the century — coming under the control of Jewish America?

This is the same Jewish America that's increasingly seen as being the most virulent disease to have plagued planet Earth since the beginning of time. And here is the Judeo-American crime syndicate, scheming to turn a good part of Africa into a Gaza-like wretched continent, ready to be exploited like the bad old days.

This is what the Jewish crime syndicate, together with John Bolton and the very Jewish Hudson Institute teamed up to accomplish. They have Arthur L. Herman pitching a diabolic scheme in their name, as he tries to sell the plan to the Capitol Hillbillies who already put a deposit of a quarter of a trillion dollars — paid out over several decades to buy Israel — only to see the thing give itself away to the Chinese, free of charge.

Pretending to work in the open to appear transparent, Arthur Herman wrote an article in which he spelled out what he wants the readers to believe is a good plan for Africa. The article came under the title: “The coming Scramble for Africa,” and the subtitle: “China, and Russia to a degree, are ahead of the game, but the US has the advantage going forward.” It was published on December 26, 2018 in National Review Online.

Herman is pushing a classic argument; one that’s tailor-made for suckers. Stripped to its essence, the argument says that future successes will be scored in Africa. China is already there doing itself a great deal of good, and it's about time that America gets in, or it will lag behind to such an extent, it will never catch up. Still, because China is playing a dirty game in Africa, there is a chance for America to win the race despite China's head-start, provided America gets in now.

But what do Israel and the Judeo-American crime syndicate want, anyway? Well, already in the embrace of China, and having America in its own embrace, Israel wants to bring the two powers in one place (Africa) to play them against each other, the way that America's Jews played the Republicans and the Democrats against each other, a formula that turned the US Congress of hillbillies into a cash cow. Volunteering to speak in the name of Israel, here is how Arthur Herman of the very Jewish Hudson Institute put it:

“At stake are Africa's natural resources, rapidly growing markets, and political and military influence over the Southern Hemisphere. This scramble will shape the 21st century and become the epicenter for the competition between the US and China for economic and strategic leadership”.

Will the scheme work? And if it does, what will it accomplish? Well, bear in mind that when John Bolton claims he speaks in the name of the administration, he does not mean the one in the District of Columbia; he means the one in occupied Jerusalem. And when he says 'America,' he uses that name as a code word to mean Israel. So, here is what Arthur Herman says John Bolton wants to accomplish:

“National Security Adviser John Bolton gave a speech unveiling the administration's new Africa strategy. Unfortunately, China has a big lead in this competition. But America has one advantage. The scramble has two bad actors, Russia and China, and one good guy ready to ride to the rescue — namely, the US. While China's effort in Africa have been neo-colonialists, we can, as Bolton indicated, show Africa's countries how to preserve their independence in ways that benefit their people and the prosperity and security of the United States … The new policy will ensure, according to Bolton, that ALL aid to the region advances US interests”.

Stop for a moment and think about it, my friend. You have a Continent whose people suffered enormously under colonialism, and fought for several generations to liberate themselves, now being told by a nutcase he has a lesson to give them on how to maintain their independence. Would you tell something as idiotic as this to the Nelson Mandelas of Africa?

And that's not all, because that someone is none other than the Judeo-American beast whom no one can stand at the United Nations. In fact, the African delegates in that international forum routinely get together with the rest of the world to condemn the regime of genocidal colonialism that terrorist Israel and its American sponsor, have been maintaining in occupied Palestine for half a century … and refusing to quit.

And there is still more. The genocidal beast says openly and shamelessly it wants to tell the Africans how to live their lives in a manner that will “benefit the prosperity and security of the United States [read Israel] … ensure that ALL aid to the region advances US [Israeli] interests”.

And these nutcases believe that the Africans will think of them as being the good guys while thinking of the Chinese and the Russians as being the bad guys.

Well, let me tell you something: don't bother booking a psychiatric appointment for these guys; they are too far gone to be saved.