Saturday, December 22, 2018

How the Fifth Column was smoked out

It turned out that the Jewish mob of pundits was nothing more than the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the monstrosity remained hidden to the human eye as if submerged beneath the ocean. But it was there all the time, waiting for something small or something titanic to come close and be given the iceberg treatment.

When Donald Trump announced he was pulling America's troops out of Syria, he wandered too close to the fifth column that was sitting quietly, waiting to be put in action. This happened when commanded to come out in force by the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate whose work heretofore was expressed only by members of the Jewish punditry. But the Trump announcement was so consequential, it was necessary for the full iceberg to throw its full weight behind the effort to force the American Commander-in-Chief to “reconsider” his decision. And this is how the Fifth Column was smoked out of its hiding place.

From the Left and from the Right, hordes came out wearing the Conservative stripes and the Progressive stripes. They were the Democrats and the Republicans, the Fox News talking heads, the MSNBC talking heads and everything in-between. They were the White House correspondents, the State Department correspondents and the Pentagon correspondents. And they were of the Wall Street Journal type ... as well as those of New York Times, the Washington Post, the New York Daily News, and many others.

The only people that were not given the opportunity to come out in the open and express their opinion, were the ninety-seven percent of the non-Jewish ordinary Americans who yearn to rebuild their country rather than see its energies deployed to destroy the foreign countries that did nothing to harm America.

Pumped up by a religious fanaticism that turned him into a reusable kind of suicide-bomber designed to detonate upon receiving the signal from his Jewish controllers, David French was made to detonate once again on December 20, 2018. He did so when he wrote the article that came under the title: “Defeating ISIS: Separating Fact from Fiction,” published in National Review Online.

Here is how David French made his case:

“Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria has shocked advisers inside and outside his administration. Lindsey Graham and Mike Huckabee, were alarmed. ISIS attempted to build a nation-state. The nation-state has been crushed, but ISIS still lives. So, while Trump deserves credit for stepping up the war, he is stopping short of complete victory. He must make sure that the state doesn’t reconstitute, and must complete the campaign against the remaining force. When Trump says ISIS is defeated in Syria, he’s not telling the truth. His decision is reckless and dangerous. Let’s hope he changes his mind again”.

Considering that there remain only 2,000 American troops in Syria, David French is trying to fool his readers into believing they can prevent the metastasis of ISIS, which already put roots in dozens of countries extending from Nigeria in West Africa to the Philippines in East Asia, as well as in Europe and the Americas. It is conducting physical terrorist operations on the ground, and running a social media campaign to recruit local youngsters it brainwashes, teaches them to make weapons, and motivates them to commit terrorist operations.

This being a proposition too absurd to con even a child, we must search for the real reason why David French wants to see America maintain a token force in Syria. We must at once dismiss the notion that the force will be expected to engage in any kind of serious battle. This is just not America's style at making war when its well publicized doctrine of war is to engage the enemy with an overwhelming force and crush it rapidly.

As we continue the search for what motivates David French, we run across two critical clues. One is that the writer is a self-described card-carrying religious fanatic who will stop at nothing to promote what he says are Judeo-Christian causes. The second clue is that, token forces are often stationed in remote places to serve as a tripwire. Putting the two clues together, we conclude that David French, and all those who make up the hidden part of the iceberg, are working to turn America into a sentinel that will stand as guard at Israel's gate. Its purpose will be to hold back an attacker as long as possible, and call for the overwhelming American force to come rescue Israel.

David French should be told to develop the intellectual honesty to reveal his true motives rather than come up with fantastic stories that insult even the intelligence of a child.