Wednesday, December 19, 2018

They are digging a Hole for the new Cesspool

If you are a society that lives by the work of your members, you organize yourself in such a way as to produce as much as you intend to consume; even produce a surplus you'll stash away for a rainy day.        

On the other hand, if you are a parasitic society that lives by the effort of others, you train your members to look for and identify useful idiots in productive societies; characters you intend to train, and use to carry out schemes they are made to believe are important for the betterment of humankind. But what you do, in reality, is con these idiots into installing the machinery that will allow you to suck the blood of their society, thus have your gang live freely at their expense.

However, to accomplish all that in a modern and complex society, is increasingly becoming a circuitous trajectory. For this reason, you'll find that the Jews, who stand as the quintessential parasitic society, begin to prepare for projects years ahead of time, even decades before they can be activated to start yielding the free lunches that the Jews count on to stay alive.

But how circuitous can a project be? Well, the situation that's unfolding at this time, requires that the American military remains in Syria to protect Israel's flank as the latter cleanses the nation of Palestine of its indigenous population. Given that the American commander-in-chief can no longer be counted on to carry out the Jewish dictates, the folks that operate the New-York/Tel-Aviv crime syndicate, have decided to give back to the Congress the war-making powers of the United States, having shifted those powers to George W. Bush once before, when they deemed him more useful to Israel than the Congress was at the time.

One of the useful idiots that the syndicate has conned into doing work for Israel at this time, is David French. He began to lay the groundwork for pulling a tricky operation with the writing of an article that came under the title: “Donald Trump's Syria Policy Is Strategically Wise — and Thoroughly Unconstitutional,” and the subtitle: “Congress is required to weigh in.” It was published on December 17, 2018 in National Review Online.

Picking up an argument from where the Washington Post had left it a few days earlier, David French needed to make a number of points. They were that American troops should remain in Syria given that they are dominant and safe. Moreover, if these troops withdrew from Syria, they'll leave behind a vacuum that will eventually threaten American security.

However, keeping the troops in Syria violates both international law and the American Constitution. For this reason, the Congress must convene and take back the powers for making war from the hand of the commander-in-chief. This done, the Congress will be able to properly deal with that question.

Conscious of the reality that the American public has had it up to here sending young Americans to die for Israel, and burning oodles of American cash borrowed in the name of future generations, David French recalled a story that was created by the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine some time ago. Like many others, he helped put the story into the public domain on a previous occasion, and did it again this time. And yet, now as then, not a single voice was allowed to question the veracity of the story's improbable content.

The purpose of the story being to reassure the American public that there will be no mission creep with the troops staying in Syria, the Jews wanted to con the public into believing that the 4,000 American troops who are there at this time, will not be increased, because they have it within them to do the job required of them without a single American soldier getting killed or wounded.

Here is how the story goes: Given that by all accounts, there are at least 30,000 terrorist troops in Syria, how could 4,000 Americans battle them, yet suffer not a single casualty? Even a Hollywood scriptwriter, trained to produce Rambo-like movies, could not contrive a storyline that is this unbelievable. Well, with a straight face, the Jews made such a claim. Not only did they claim it can be done; they claimed it was actually done.

They told a story in which 40 Americans killed 300 enemy troops in a recent battle without suffering a single casualty. Multiplying the two sides of the equation by 100, yields the argument that 4,000 Americans will be able to kill 30,000 enemy troops without suffering a single casualty. Now tell me this, my friend. Who will dare to argue against mathematics, the most perfect of the sciences?

In fact, the Jews did not need a useful idiot of the David French caliber to make the point for them; math alone did it. But David French was welcome anyway, because he came like the icing on the cake.

Whatever will be the impact of his contribution to the Jewish project, David French will go down in history as one of those who helped dig the hole that became a bigger cesspool than anything seen previously.