Thursday, December 20, 2018

The perpetual Hate Machine right out of Hell

What do you think would be the most apt and most concise description of primitive and savage tyrants? Try this for answer: They can hate but not be hated. They can speak but cannot be spoken to.

Now think about it. Who “enjoys” such privilege in America today? You got it. They are the Jews who can hate so much as to have an innocent man in his nineties deported because it makes them feel better. And while given this gift each time they ask for it, they cannot be resented, let alone hated, for arguing that they deserve to be compensated for a Holocaust they never experienced, while at the same time arguing that African Americans who served as slaves for several generations, have no right to claim compensation, let alone receive it.

Okay, got it. But what about the business of speaking or being spoken to? How does that factor in our query? Well, ever since our species acquired the ability to speak, the gift of speech was monopolized by the authorities. They used it at will, or granted it to others upon request. It even happened that for a long time, the women and the lower caste of both genders could not make a request to speak in the presence of the authorities. While spoken to, they were not allowed to signal the wish to address the one that’s governing over them.

After ten thousand years of experimentation: of trials and errors, successes and failures, disappointments and triumphs, we, of the human species thought we had a workable system so close to perfection, it required no more than minor tweaks to round the corners and render the system absolutely perfect. But we proved wrong because among us, lived a virulent organism that defines evil incarnate.

These are the people who convert to what they believe is an ethno-religious philosophy of life called Judaism. But the reality is that they are embracing neither an ethnicity nor a religion. They are embracing a criminal way of living, which they sustain by curtailing or totally obliterating the right of others to live their lives, secure in the knowledge that they can express themselves freely without being “watched” and constantly hounded by the evil incarnates or by their beastly followers. Also … live their lives without being harassed physically or via other means by the same beasts or by different ones.

What is hateful, and deservedly so, about these characters, is that they make the moves by which they pretend to play the game of life according to the rules prescribed in the social contract. But what they do in reality, is play a dirty game, always trying to trip or hurt those that play by the rules on the same playing field. The goal of the evil characters, is to put the other players out of commission, thus win the game by default.

The Jews do that, but then pay for it dearly when a society becomes convinced that they have reached the point of no return. For the first time, the Jews are coming close to that critical juncture in America, and you'll understand why, when you read the New York Times editorial that came under the title: “Curbing Speech in the Name of Helping Israel,” and the subtitle: “A Senate bill aims to punish those who boycott Israel over its settlement policy. There are better solutions.” It was published on December 18, 2018 in the New York Times.

Stripped of the niceties that sanitize the language used to describe the characters from Hell, you'll see in the paragraph that follows how the editors of the New York Times describe what those characters are doing at this time, to trigger the next holocaust:

“An issue involving Israel is before Congress, testing America's freedom and right to dissent. It is a proposal that would impose civil and criminal penalties on American institutions that participate in the right of Americans who oppose Israel's occupation of Palestine. The proposal's chief sponsors, Senator Ben Cardin, a Jew of one stripe, and Senator Rob Portman, a Jew of another stripe, want to attach the proposal to the package of spending bills that Congress needs to pass before midnight Friday to avoid a shut down of the American government”.

That is, the two Jews are using the powers vested in them, not to play the game according to the rules prescribed in the social contract thus serve the people that elected them but play dirty tricks in violation of the code of conduct that's observed by everyone else, and expected of them as well.

And so, instead of fulfilling their duty to make life better for the American peoplecount themonly two Jews masquerading as American senators, are holding hostage, the well-being of 320 million Americans. They are doing it by threatening to shut down the government unless the animal settlers calling themselves Jews, in far away occupied Palestine, are given the means to continue ethnic cleansing the land they are occupying in defiance of international and American laws.

And we thought we had a workable system that was so close to perfection, the Congress of the United States could go to sleep and let the lobbyists run the country.