Sunday, February 24, 2019

David French talks Rubbish to promote Israel

Traitors, such as David French, who would sacrifice American life, limb and treasure to please their Jewish masters, are out in force with two new excuses as to why America must remain in Syria. You can see it in the article he wrote under the title: “Trump's Decision to Leave a Token Force in Syria Is More Significant Than You think,” published on February 22, 2019 in National Review Online.

Notwithstanding the proven reality that Israel wants America to stand as a tripwire behind which Israeli troops can hide — given that in Syria, they will not have Palestinian or Jewish children behind whom to hide while they commit their habitual genocidal crimes — David French has come up with a new way to talk rubbish so as to promote Israel's interests. Two illustrations will help clarify what French is trying to accomplish now.

First illustration: David French is suggesting that, “the presence of American soldiers will act as a profound deterrent to American enemies.” Think so? Since when has the presence of American soldiers deterred those who wish to kill American soldiers? If David French did not mean to sound serious, you'd think he is making a bad joke. Unfortunately, however, he is doing worse than joke. The reality is that this guy's logic is so profoundly screwed up, his arguments can only please his Jewish masters.

Second illustration: David French is suggesting that, “even small American deployments facilitate continued involvement by European allies.” Hooray! Do you know what this sounds like, my friend? It sounds like the guy who says to his sidekick: a bear is coming at us, and I am going to run. The other guy says, you can't outrun a bear. And the first replies: All I have to do is outrun you. Well, not quite an exact analogy, you might say, and you’re right. So, here is a better analogy to represent the America-in-Syria situation:

It is the story of the antelope and the family of rodents. The antelope says to the rodents: a lion is coming at us, so why aren’t you running? We're not running, says the head of the rodent family because in the choice between us, the lion will choose to eat you. And so I ask you, my dear reader, why do you think the Europeans want the Americans to stay in Syria before they'll go there as well? The reason is that in the choice between the Americans and the Europeans, the enemy will choose to kill the Americans.

Keep this in mind as you continue to read the article and you encounter this passage: “If the allies come through, they will create an effective deterrent and leave ISIS with less abilities. Critically, it will help prevent Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime from gaining more power at the expense of American credibility and influence.” Well, if not ignorance of history, this is a manifestation of extreme intellectual dishonesty.

Speaking of the moments when America lost credibility and influence, you'll find them to have occurred not when America lost battles — at which time it actually gained sympathy for the casualties it suffered — but when its allies lost confidence in the logic of the mission in which they were dragged. This was the time when the allies decided to start withdrawing their troops from the battlefield, leaving America to fight and struggle alone. It is what happened in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. Now David French wants the same thing to happen to America in Syria.

In fact, on the same day that David French published his article, and in the same publication, Michael Brendan Dougherty published his own piece under the title: “Our Orwellian Syria Policy.” He made a number of good points but his main focus has been the antics that eroded American credibility and influence. What follows is a condensed version of the relevant passages:

“The White House said it planned to leave 200 American troops in Syria. In December, Trump announced a complete withdrawal from Syria. In January various advisers were redesigning the withdrawal in a way that our men would continue the mission from Iraq. Now we have it that a small peacekeeping group of 200 will remain in Syria. What is peacekeeping in this instance? American soldiers will provide logistics, intelligence and surveillance for directing airstrikes to targets. These are the actions of a belligerent, not a peacekeeper. Thus, America will still be part of the Syrian civil war. I'm struck by the Orwellian redefinition of America First: Doing what Sunni fanatics, Kurdish communists [and Jewish Zionists] want is now America First. Who is in charge, exactly? Whose regime is being changed?”

This is the sort of thing that America was doing when it lost credibility and influence. Probing deep into the matter, you'll find that the image of a regime that's caught in a state of disorder — being “democratically” pulled in all directions by opportunists who seek to sponge on it — tends to evoke more contempt in the observer than the dissolution of an autocratic regime that couldn't make it … and so admitted without resorting to a Democratic-Orwellian rhetoric aimed at making the failure appear like success.

The undeniable truth is that America lost its good standing among the peoples of the world because of its blind support for Israel. And there is no rhetoric — no matter how Orwellian it may sound — that will move America from the position of moral prostitute, on the scale that spans the gamut from prostitution to rectitude.