Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Pretense of moral Clarity by moral Prostitution

I begin this discussion by telling a true story that unfolded a long time ago. It happened when I was a tween attending a French school (Ecole Charles de Foucauld) run by Christian brothers in a French colony that used to be called French Somali Land, now a free nation known as Djibouti. In addition to the 3 Rs, I learned for the first time a lesson about race relations.

The school was part of a compound called the Mission, which also comprised a church, a building that housed the Christian brothers, a building that housed a Monseigneur and several priests, as well as quarters that sheltered Somali children who were orphaned or abandoned by their parents. The children were baptized and raised in the Christian faith.

On the first day of the school year (in the second or third grade,) we the children, were told to line up at the wicket in front of “Monsieur le procureur” who will hand us the book assigned for this class. We did as told and returned, each carrying a book, except for the handful of Somali children who were in the same class. One of them, named Barthélemy, started to cry. The reason was that Monsieur le procureur had decided that African children, which to him meant Black children, must first pay for the book before getting it. Everyone else would pay when their parents will have given them the money.

That procureur was new to the colony and didn't know that the Somali kids were from the mission, having no money of their own, and no parents to pay for the expenses they incur. And so, the teacher, Frère Félicien Paul, went to the procureur and came back with a book for each of the Somali children. Perhaps to console Barthélemy, he told us something, almost prophetically, that was confirmed decades later. The confirmation came when Somalia and Djibouti applied for membership in the Arab League and were accepted.

It is that without using the word Semite, but using Arab as a substitute, Frère Félicien said that the Somalis were dark skinned Arabs. And so, even if the Somali children were not of the Mission, they could still get the books and pay for them later. This was the lesson in race relations that was etched in my memory in the middle of the 1950s, and remained there during the decades since, always fresh as if it happened yesterday.

The reason I am telling this story now, is that I want David French to make whatever effort is necessary to wrap his head around the fact that when he asserts that Representative Ilhan Omar is anti-Semitic, he triggers an enormous explosion of contempt in the heads and hearts of those who cannot tolerate ignorance of the kind he spews all the time. Just think about it, you have authentic Semites being called anti-Semitic by criminal thugs who stole Palestine, and now work on stealing the Semitic identity from those they slander behind their backs. This is the combination of ignorance and criminal thuggery stretching itself beyond pornography.

Let it be known to David French and the primitives of his kind there are 400 million Semitic Arabs, among them the Blacks of Mauritania, Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia and the Comoros Island. And there are something like 20 million Jews who came into the so-called Jewish religion because they love being members of a criminal organization offering the chance to sucker the retards of the American legislators in this life, and the chance to inherit a piece of Haven in the afterlife.

To add insult to injury, David French wants everybody to believe that “America's Support for Israel Is a Matter of Morality, not Money.” Actually, this is the title of the article he wrote in which he accused Ilhan Omar of being anti-herself by being anti-Semitic. That piece of work was published on February 11, 2019 in National Review Online.

Whether or not David French has a sense of the size and gravity of his ignorance, he must have felt squeezed in a tight spot, which is why he invoked the Jewish escape clause that goes as follows: I only meant to add moral clarity to the discussion. As to the moral clarity he's talking about, it goes something like this:

Even the low-life officials in the American deep state know there is no such a thing as Jewish money. That's because to make money, you have to produce wealth, and the Jews do not produce wealth. What they do is rely on the hook and the crook to accumulate the wealth that's produced by others ... and they monetize the thing to have cash on hand with which they buy the soul of moral prostitutes.

Here is how the scheme works in America: Having collected dirt on every scoundrel in the various legislatures of America, the Jews blackmail them into passing the laws that favor those engaged in gambling, in so-called charitable organizations, in international trade, and in commerce. It is how the Jews accumulate lots of money without producing a thing.

Thus, in addition to the billions that Israel gets directly from Uncle Sam under the pretense of defending itself, the Jews benefit from the deliberate bastardization of America's laws by America's treasonous lawmakers.

And then, in a giant kickback scheme, some of the money that's meant to go to Israel, is diverted and sent to line the pockets and reelection coffers of the criminal legislators who keep the thieving scheme going.

And this, my friend, is the pretense of moral clarity by which the Jews get the likes of David French to swim in the cesspool of moral prostitution wherein he raises his head once in a while and shouts: How clear and pretty the sight of Sheldon Edelson buying the decomposing soul of Mitt Romney for a million dollars. What can be more excellent than this form of moral excellence!

If only the Palestinians could rise to this level of pornographic excellence, the world would be a better place.