Thursday, February 14, 2019

Neither Pattern Recognition nor Reciprocity

It was not long ago that National Review Online (NRO), together with the now defunct Weekly Standard and the still tricky Fox News Channel, turned themselves into hysteria machines sensationalizing and amplifying the mischief that may have been committed by the newly arrived young refugees into Europe.

The American publications falsely assumed that all the refugees were Muslim, and tried to paint them as naturally wicked characters who will destroy Europe's Western Civilization. The editors, columnists and contributors of said publications posited that the way to defend America against the menace of that phenomenon, was to point the finger directly at Islam and call it the calamity that's gathering over the horizon … and then denounce Islam in the strongest possible terms.

What happened next was that the newly elected Trump administration tried to capitalize on the media-driven burgeoning hysteria. It did it by using the power of the executive order to turn the hysterical speeches into injurious actions. To that end, it issued several orders aimed at hurting Muslims, not because of anything they did, but because of what the aforementioned publications said they might do in the future.

And like everything else, the actions of the Executive provoked reactions that proved so fundamental, they became icons representing a universal truth that no one could contradict. It is that the bigger the lie you put out, the shorter the shelf life of that lie. This truth imposed itself on the scene and sparkled like a bright star. It triumphed when massive rallies were held by the American people, and when the courts rose up to say no, this is not an accurate description of the Muslims we know. In fact, the attempt to defame Islam reflected negatively, not on Islam, but on the characters that were behind the dirty propaganda campaign.

Now, that same National Review Online is trying to accomplish a feat that is proving to be as impossible as restoring to a scrambled egg its natural form by returning it into its shell. You'll find NRO arguing that the more massive the truth you tell, the more it is rejected by an increasing number of people.

See for yourself. On February 11, 2019, National Review Online published an editorial attempting to do just that. So did Jonathan Goldberg, who is one of its editors, as he tackled the same subject in his regular column. The editorial came under the title: “A Shameful Tolerance.” The Goldberg column came under the title: “Ilhan Omar's Lazy and Anti-Semitic Tweets.” Together, the two pieces say something that is truly surprising about the Jewish character.

To understand that part, we need to recall that two characteristics are so ingrained into our human nature, it is stupefying and frightening to know that indoctrination can erase them as easily as hitting the “delete” button of a computer keyboard. Those characteristics are: pattern recognition and the principle of reciprocity. The Jewish leaders have developed a way to erase them in the people they recruit for the movement, turning the people into obedient foot soldiers who faithfully serve the Jewish causes, especially Israel.

You can see how the idea of recognizing a recurring pattern is mishandled in the NRO editorial. The natural thing being that when you hear an accusation leveled against someone by several people that never met, you tend to believe there is some truth to the accusation. To be certain, you try to get to the bottom of it. You investigate the accused who is the common element to all the stories. Well, believe it or not, that's not what the Jews do. Instead, they proudly list the accusations leveled against them, and say this is what proves all the accusers are wrong. That’s so staggeringly illogical, it gives the Jews the image of the recidivist who complains he is singled out unfairly for the crimes that he alone commits.

You'll sense that Jewish characteristic when you go over the editorial in which you see the writers damn Henry Ford, as well as the authors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Louis Farrakhan, Donald Trump, Al Sharpton, African Americans and Muslim Americans. In fact, you'll discover that the Jews blame all this people for what they call anti-Semitism, but never blame themselves. They don't even question if there is something that they can do to alleviate the concerns other people may have about their conduct.

As to the principle of reciprocity, you'll sense that Jonathan Goldberg does not understand that “causality” may be a one-way street in the science of physics. But when it comes to human interactions, causality becomes a two-way street. It often alters itself to become, “reciprocal escalation.” In fact, what rules in human interactions is the principle of: You step on my foot and I'll step on both your feet.

Here is the passage that gives Goldberg away: They have the causality backward. The Israel Lobby exists precisely because people like Omar and her defenders make it necessary for it to exist.

What Goldberg does not understand is that the following can also be said: people like Omar and her defenders exist precisely because institutions like the Israel Lobby make it necessary for them to exist.

This is what causes the escalation in the game of mutual recrimination. Now think about this: when you have the Jews on one side, and you have humanity on the other side, guess who wins and who loses...

Well, tell that to the Jews because left to their devices, they will not evolve enough to understand that simple concept in a long time, if ever.