Monday, February 4, 2019

When playing their Game annoys the Democracies

There is a difference between the democratic ideal as you might encounter it in the textbooks that discuss the various systems of governance, on the one hand — and how the nations that purport to adhere to democracy conduct themselves in real life, on the other hand.

Of course, not all democracies are created equal, and not every democracy looks today the way it looked when it first adopted that philosophy of governance. In fact, the idea of democracy is that it is pluralistic in nature, which means it tolerates all sorts of opinions that may differ from place to place, and from time to time. For this reason, you have the multi-party system in every jurisdiction, even a multitude of factions within the same party where the principles of democratic governance are interpreted in many different ways.

This lends credence to the saying that honorable men and women can differ on an issue and remain honorable. It boils down to saying that several shades of what is ideal can coexist without the proponent of any of them violating the principles of democracy. If we accept this, we must also accept that every philosophy has at least one fundamental principle that must not be violated lest the entire philosophy get demolished. And sadly, violating such fundamentals, is the kind of degeneration that's been happening to the democracies for a time now. It is happening in several places around the globe, especially in America.

The most visible signs of a democracy gone bad are the loopholes which are deliberately inserted into the law. The intent here is to give some people advantages that others cannot exploit unless they adjust the model by which they live and do business. What happens as a result is that individuals and corporations that can afford it, hire lawyers and accountants who do nothing but design models by which to reduce or eliminate the amount of taxes that someone pays, even do the things that would normally be prohibited … all that by getting around the laws without breaching them.

With the passage of time, the degeneration of the democracies became visible to the rest of the world. Things got to the point where comparing the usually punished “illegal” corruption happening in the non-democratic countries against the “legalized” corruption happening in the jurisdictions that describe themselves as democratic — was like comparing the petty theft of a loaf of bread by a poor man who wants to feed his children, against the grand larceny that's committed by a lawyer running the estate of an absentee billionaire. It’s like comparing day and night.

If all of this seems like you're seeing two subplots in search of an author who would intertwine them into a full story, and if you've been waiting anxiously for this to happen — wait no more. It's because what happened next, was that the Iranians learned about the deliberate writing of contracts in such democratic styles as to give the parties what may be called “escape hatches,” from which to weasel out from some provisions without breaching the letter or the spirit of a “legally binding” agreement.

In fact, Omer Carmi saw this happen and wrote about it in an article that came under the title: “Iran's Nuclear Roadmap for 2019: Pushing the JCPOA's Boundaries,” published on January 30, 2019 on the website of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Carmi sees several ways by which Iran can use the loopholes that were deliberately inserted in the Iran nuclear agreement to give the parties an escape hatch when it will be convenient for them to do so. And he says that Iran is making full use of that convenience right now, and will probably do more in the near future.

In fact, quoting the director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Omer Carmi wrote the following: “These activities are possible because the talks have left breaches in the agreement for Iran to exploit,” to which Carmi added a comment of his own: “much as it has done with other international agreements and norms”. He went on to explain that: “The document lays out a complex network of restrictions with numerous loopholes and technical ambiguities”.

Having said this, Carmi explained that Iran has several ways by which to enrich uranium to a level it is not supposed to under normal circumstances. He says Iran can do so: (1) legally right now without having to offer any excuses, (2) by complaining that the American imposed sanctions are forcing it to produce the high-enriched uranium it is prohibited from producing, (3) by intentionally breaching the nuclear agreement with the accidental accumulation of excess nuclear materials, and (4) by taking all permissible steps to restart the nuclear program at a moment's notice.

Be that as it may, it is anyone's guess what will happen next. But Omer Carmi is a big shot in the security apparatus of Israel, and the pattern has been that when the Tel-Aviv/New-York syndicate wants America to do something, it begins with articles written by big shots in the Israeli security apparatus … such as the article that Carmi just published.

The article highlights the talking points that will be needed by the Fifth Column armies of staffers who were hand-picked by the Jewish lobby in America and sent to work in the offices of Senators and House Representatives. These treasonous staffers prepare for and produce the policies that the too-busy-raising money for reelection Senators and Representatives, take to the Congress and enact into laws by which America must live and get shafted really good.

It remains to be seen how much time will pass before America will have decided to do to Iran what it did to Iraq and Libya. As a prelude, expect to see a campaign during which a point will be made to the effect that: What's good for us, dishonest geese of the democracies, isn’t good enough for the honest ganders of the non-democracies. We start bombing Iran in one minute, and may God bless America of the Jews.