Sunday, April 7, 2019

Look how they view America’s System of Values

Let us assume, for a moment, that those who root for Israel are correct in calling on the world to consider Israel a nation, and not just an entity.

Let us also forget, for a moment, the ongoing crimes against humanity in which Israel is engaged, such as the occupation of Palestine, and the determined effort to ethnic cleanse it of its indigenous population. And let us pretend, for a moment, not to see the constant criminal activities which Israel frequently commits against its neighbors, such as Lebanon and Syria.

Aside from all that, the one thing we cannot forgive or forget is an army of Jewish Fifth Columnists who reside in America and live the good life, being highly paid with taxpayers' money — directly and indirectly — to engage in the business of attacking the American citizens who refuse to display allegiance to Israel.

The latter are the good American citizens, such as the Muslim legislators, who refuse to attack those who will not distance themselves from the people that the Jews vilify, such as Louis Farrakhan. Or they refuse to engage in the bribing and blackmailing of elected officials, such as state governors, in an attempt to force these people to make laws that punish the good Americans who choose to respect the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Or they are American citizens who reject the accusation of being antisemitic for not bowing to every Jewish whim. And the list is endless.

If I omitted someone or something in the list of wrongdoings with which Israel and its backers are associated, you will get a sense of it when you read the article that came under the title: “Rashida Tlaib Praises Her Antisemitic Backers,” written by Steven Emerson and published on April 4, 2019 in Algemeiner. Please note that while the Fifth Columnists consider Emerson's article perfectly legitimate, they consider this response, and everyone like it, to be illegitimate and antisemitic.

Emerson begins his discussion by unloading on what he calls an entourage of anti-Semites. Altogether, he mentions several activists promoting the causes of women, as well as representatives of American NGOs, and members of Congress — all of them women that never engaged in attacking American citizens for refusing to display allegiance to Israel or allegiance to any foreign country, for that matter.

In fact, these good American women never engaged in attacking American citizens for not distancing themselves from someone. Neither did they engage in the bribing or blackmailing of elected officials in an attempt to force them passing laws that punish those Americans who choose to respect BDS. And they never accused anyone of being antisemitic or anti-whatever for one reason or another … or no reason at all.

So why is Emerson attacking these women for doing nothing worse than engage in lawful activities, as they fulfill their civic duties, thus help their communities be the best that they can be? The answer is that Emerson is attacking the women because they are not diverting their energies to the promotion of Israeli causes. And this proves that his loyalty to Israel is infinite, whereas his loyalty to America is near zero, if it exists at all.

Here is the point of view that was made into a litmus test, and used by the likes of Steven Emerson to determine the moral worth of an American citizen: “The Boycott, Divest and Sanctions Movement is considered antisemitic because it singles out the world's only Jewish state”.

Thus, when the Jews designate someone as embracing BDS or refusing to oppose it, they single them out for character assassination and personal destruction. They do so with a cowardly, animal-like savagery, and a relentless campaign aimed at having these innocent people removed from the public square, and denied remuneration for what they produce to advance civilization.

Another yardstick, that characters such as Steven Emerson use to determine the moral worth of an American citizen, is the bias that a citizen might display when deciding between adhering to Jewish values and adhering to American values. They consider it a “not-so-veiled … open call for the destruction of the Jewish state,” when someone advocates the liberation of Palestine “from the river to the sea.” This being a convoluted method by which the Jews express their view, an explanation is in order.

The American system of values is simple to understand. It says that the government has no preference for any ethnic group or religion. It does not interfere in the way that the ethnic make-up of society evolves. By contrast, the Israeli system of values is built on the idea that Israel must be maintained Jewish at any and all cost to the other groups.

Thus, when someone advocates majority rule on every inch of Palestinian territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, they advocate replacing the Zionist dream with the American system of values.

And this is a crime in the eyes of the fanatic Jews who equate the American system of values with Hitler's Final Solution. And then, they have the gall to ask America to protect and finance that monstrous view.