Friday, April 19, 2019

Policing your Speech and your Associations

Nothing demolishes your self-esteem like the realization that what you thought was the object of your pride during all these years, was actually the object of your shame; a reality that was known to everyone around you but remained hidden from you all that time.

This is what's dawning on ordinary Americans who are beginning to discover that two of their most cherished freedoms had been taken away from them by the connivance of their political leaders who sold the nation's patrimony for fake promises made by Jews that live in America physically, enjoying the privileges of citizenship, but have their hearts in Israel, the entity to which they continually pledge their total allegiance.

Ordinary Americans began to realize they were robbed of the freedom to express their thoughts, and the freedom to assemble with others of their fellow citizens. These being the cornerstones from which freedom of speech, freedom to form associations and many other freedoms are derived, the Americans began to react in an effort to restore the self-esteem that was stolen from them by their political leaders. These are the people that turned themselves into moral prostitutes and volunteered to serve their Jewish masters.

Think about it, in America you can engage in any inquiry, ranging from the scientific to the legal to the religious or whatever. You can even question the existence of God if you have doubts in this regard. But what you cannot do is question anything of what the Jews say about the Holocaust, or inquire as to what Israel is doing with the money and the weapons it receives from America. If you do that, you're as good as dead because the Jews will ruin your career and your life; something they will do in full view of the authorities that are supposed to protect you, if not in collaboration with them.

And there is more. In America, you can associate with anyone you want. You can visit criminals in prison, pray with them and lend them moral support. You can even hire an ex-convict that's out on parole, or one that has served his time, and is out of jail. And you can form an association with an ex-convict if you determine that he or she is the right person for what you're trying to do. But what you cannot do is associate with someone the Jews have put on their blacklist. If you do that, you're as good as dead in the marketplace of ideas because the Jews will come out like a horde of pit bulls, assassinate your character and pressure everybody to treat you like an invisible thing.

If you wonder how something like this can happen in a country that calls itself a democracy, there are three articles — published over three days — you can read; and see for yourself how this is done. The first article came under the title: “To Defend Ilhan Omar, Democrats Use Identity Politics as a Shield,” and the subtitle: “To elevate her, they use identity politics as a sword.” It was written by David French and published on April 15, 2019 in National Review Online.

To unpack what goes on during a time in America that David French has characterized as “record-level absurdity,” we question if he has not, himself, contributed to the absurdity. He tells the story of Ilhan Omar who gave a speech touching on the 9/11 incident, and no one said anything about it for a long time. Later, Dan Crenshaw stumbled on the speech, and called Omar's comments 'unbelievable,' which David French said was in-bounds criticism.

As a lawyer, now a pundit in the business of popularizing cases the way he sees them through the legal angle, David French should have dismissed the firestorm that ensued. Having made it clear that Crenshaw responded appropriately, and that the firestorm that followed was absurd, he should have calmed the situation and declared it case closed.

But that's not what David French did. He failed to do the right thing because, like all the others, he was caught in the vortex of the “American political discourse,” he called absurd. What he did instead, is jump into the fray, and started to attack his opponents on the Left, those that had defended Ilhan Omar. The effect was that each side in this shenanigan spent time and energy trying to assert its right to engage in free speech while limiting that of the other side.

The spillover from this dismal performance is seen in the two articles that followed during the next two days April 16 and 17, in that same publication. Both articles were written by Jack Crowe, who is a news writer at National Review Online.

On April 16, 2019, Jack Crowe wrote an article under the title: “Farrakhan Defends Omar's 9/11 Remarks, Appealing to Conspiracy Theories,” starting the discussion by calling Louis Farrakhan a “notorious anti-Semite”.

Crowe went on to describe the firestorm that followed while lamenting that, “Omar, who has been accused of making anti-Semitic remarks continued to enjoy the support of fellow freshmen.” But Crowe also joyfully proclaimed the good news that, “Omar has received an onslaught of criticism from Republican lawmakers and conservative pundits”.

The next day, Jack Crowe published an article under the title: “Rashida Tlaib Hosted Activist Who Called Palestinian Terror Attack 'Heroic,'” lamenting this time, not about Ilhan Omar's speeches but Rashida Tlaib's associations. This is how Crowe started the discussion: “Rashida Tlaib hosted an extremist anti-Israel activist at her office to celebrate the American Muslims for Palestine Advocacy Day.” And that's how he went on and on till the end of the article.

Now you know what the Jews have been doing to screw America real good, while being paid by America's taxpayers for their trouble. Go figure.