Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Taboos, Obligations and Deities of a flaky Cult

Most people have a definition in their head as to what the word 'religion' means, but many do not know or care to know what the word 'cult' means. The reality, however, is that there is only a very small difference between the two.

Here is that difference: Religion is to think that you believe in and worship a spiritual God you do not see. Cult, on the other hand, is to think that you believe in and worship a God that inspires spiritualism, but one that you can see and touch. The reality, however, is that you worship not the person you see or touch, but the ideal of what you believe that person represents. Thus, in both cases, you worship an image you have formulated in your own mind, giving it superlative attributes that make you feel they will be used to protect you if and when the time will come that you'll need to be protected.

Cult figures come and go all the time. There are Oriental gurus who surround themselves with an aura of holiness, and promise their followers wisdom as well as internal peace and harmony. And there are Western gurus who promise their followers the delivery in this life of a power that no enemy can defeat, as well as the delivery in the near future of a glory that no one has ever achieved before.

And then there are the Jews who catch a potential follower at a time when he or she hungers for something they cannot have. The Jews promise to help these wretched individuals achieve what they long for if they will agree to go on a pimping tour in which they'll sing the praises of the Jewish masters, and speak of the power that the Jewish leaders possess to achieve anything they want. And so, the wretched souls fulfill their task by going around and spinning current events in such a way as to present them like brilliant Jewish triumphs, even if they are nothing but miserable failures.

Needless to say, the Jews have been at this game for thousands of years, trying to get the human race to accept them as the chosen children of God, and owners of everything that exists. This includes the entire gathering of human beings who will acknowledge they are of a lesser breed than those taken into the fold for being authentic Jews, and those who will convert at a future date, thus be anointed and added to the assembly of the chosen.

But once again, the Jews have reached the end of the road, this time in America, the way they did throughout time everywhere they went around the globe. It is that the American public, like the others before it, has finally realized what the Jews were doing, and has rebelled against the tyranny they were trying to implement. Ordinary Americans are rebelling, and you can get a sense of how this is unfolding by reading an article that came under the title: “Ocasio-Cortez says cutting military, economic aid to Israel 'can be discussed,'” written by Chris Perez and published on April 15, 2019 in the New York Post.

What you'll encounter in the article, is the ongoing struggle between the Jews that have implemented a system of taboos they said must never be violated, and the ordinary Americans who are so fulfilled, they hunger for nothing, therefore cannot be bribed. And so, they refuse to think of the Jewish taboos as inviolable. In fact, these good Americans are challenging both the taboos and those who guard them, which is what’s sending the Jews into a hysterical tizzy.

Look how Chris Perez started the article: “Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez believes the US should consider cutting military and economic aid to Israel — and Jews are blasting her for it.” Ocasio-Cortez later elaborated on her views by expressing the following thought during an interview: “I think it's something that can be discussed … the idea should certainly be on the table”.

Speaking more broadly about world affairs, she also expressed this view: “I think what we are really seeing is an ascent of authoritarianism across the world.” And this is how the Jewish Council responded: “We recommend that Ocasio-Cortez engage with Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, and Ted Deutch before contemplating the future US military aid to Israel. US-Israel ties must supersede politics”.

In other words, the Jewish Council is saying that the taboos established by them are so inviolable, not only must they never be rejected or altered, they must never be discussed in public either. If someone like Ocasio-Cortez has misgivings about them, her obligation is to do what's done with dogmas in the religions that enforce the adherence to dogmas with stringent rules.

That is, Ocasio-Cortez must walk into a confessional booth, and speak privately and in whispers with a high priest of the Jewish cult … people like Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey or Ted Deutch who will, at the time, be representing the deity for the occasion. The high priest will listen to the confession; will pardon a repenting Ocasio-Cortez, bless her and counsel her. When done, she will voluntarily get back to toeing the Jewish line … and forever hold her tongue.

But Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is laughing off all of that, saying to the cultists of the Jewish variety: Go jump in the swamp.