Sunday, April 14, 2019

Netanyahu's public Blackmail of Donald Trump

Let it be known that nothing which takes place in the American government concerning Foreign Policy, remains unknown to the government of Israel.

Let it be known that nothing which takes place in the American government concerning the Middle East, is not intimately known in all its details, as well as contributed to by the government of Israel.

Let it also be known that the so-called think tanks in America — most of which are Jewish run or Jewish owned — are regularly kept up to date as to what the government of Israel knows with regard to America's Foreign Policy, and that the Washington Institute among these, is considered a partner of equal weight with the Israeli government when it comes to shaping America's policy as it pertains to the Middle East.

When you have this in mind, my friend, and you read the article that Robert Satloff — who is executive director of the Washington Institute — has written under the title: “Trump Must not Let Jared Kushner's Peace Plan See the Light of Day,” you realize that Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has turned so desperate, getting nowhere working in darkness—the way that Jews always do—he instructed Robert Satloff to issue a public blackmail, delivered in broad daylight to Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, commanding him to keep the Kushner/Trump Peace Plan in the dark, never to see the light of day.

Realizing that there can only be one reason why Netanyahu would take such a drastic step, you conclude that the Peace Plan contains elements that will get in the way of Israel implementing its scheme of ethnic cleansing Palestine of its indigenous Palestinian population. If the scheme is weakened, it will kill Netanyahu's dream of turning the entire territory of Palestine into what he calls a Jewish state.

To Netanyahu, this will be such an apocalyptic development, he is jettisoning Donald Trump from his embrace, publicly kicking his ass for the whole world to see, showing him who is boss, and commanding him to bend to his will … or see himself get kicked in the teeth next time. So the question we must ask now is this: What will Donald Trump do now?

To make an informed guess, you read the Satloff blackmailing missive to see what's in it. You discover that Netanyahu is so terrified, he is doing more than make the sky rain on the White House, he is making the sky pour acid rain on the White House. Bearing in mind that the Jewish advice to the White House and to the Congress has always been that America can do anything it wants in the Middle East, and that no Arab or European or Asian or African or Latin American country will protest or lift a finger to do anything about it — look what Robert Satloff says will happen now if Donald Trump disobeys Benjamin Netanyahu:

“Attention will soon turn to the Trump Middle East peace plan. The White House rollout of the plan is imminent. That would be a disaster. The Kushner plan will set back US interests in three areas: Annexation of the West bank, Saudi leverage over the United States, and failure of the pressure on Iran. It will trigger a decision by Netanyahu to annex parts of the West bank. The status quo has survived the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem, cuts in US aid to the West bank, and the closing of the PLO office in Washington. That house of cards may come crumbling down. Israeli rightists will argue that Israel has no negotiating partner, and do away with the status quo. To entice the rightist parties into his coalition, Netanyahu may accede to their demand in return for their support to protect him from criminal prosecution. After the peace plan is issued in his name, Trump will face a slew of problems. Annexation will trigger charges from Arab and European capitals that Israel has violated UN resolutions and existing agreements, and will punish Israel internationally. It will sound the death knell for the Palestinian Authority (PA), and threaten to splinter US opinion. Issuing the plan is a lose-lose-lose proposition. It will unleash forces that drive a stake in the heart of US-Israeli relations, destroy the PA, worsen the crisis in US-Saudi ties, and provide a boost to Iran. Right now, the plan is Kushner's, not Trump's. The president should ensure it stays that way”.

Clearly then, the blackmailing signal that Benjamin Netanyahu is sending to Donald Trump, is that if the peace plan, as it stands now is unveiled, he will annex parts of the West Bank. Simply stated, his threat to the American President comes down to this:

You either kill your plan and let me work on ethnic cleansing the entire Palestinian territory — a scheme that will take decades to complete — or you go ahead with your plan, but at the same time, recognize my annexation of parts of the West Bank, which I will do concurrent with, or immediately after the unveiling of your ill-advised plan.

Netanyahu goes on: Failing to take one of my two choices, will force me to react, and you'll have to find a way to protect your ass and your teeth because my fury this time will be unstoppable and catastrophic.