Monday, July 22, 2019

Bastardizing Legitimacy is getting them nowhere

Let's agree on a simple concept before we continue with this discussion.

There is the law and there is you. If you abide by the law, you are legitimate. If you break the law, you are illegitimate whether or not someone points it out to you. What someone cannot do, however, is “delegitimize” you when you abide by the law. Thus, the conclusion that must be drawn is that only you can delegitimize yourself. You do it by breaking the law and by refusing to change your ways.

This is the dilemma that so-called Israel is facing. Created by the United Nations as an entity named “Jewish Homeland,” the thing never stops going through the laws of civilized man the way that a bulldozer goes through a glass house. It wrecks everything in sight and tramples on the debris. When someone looks at the horror show and describes it for what it is, the Jewish lobby in America gets working on hypnotizing the politico-journalistic crowd, and has it mumble the whining cry: delegitimization, delegitimization.

This is what's bogus in this whole affair. And yet, in a typical Jewish fashion, Philip Klein has done what you expect a Jew to do. He looked in the mirror, saw what's ugly about the Jews and attributed it to someone else. To that end, he wrote: “Ilhan Omar's bogus free speech argument in favor of boycotting Israeli Jews,” an article that was published on July 17, 2019 in the Washington Examiner.

What you'll see in that article is the latest installment in the Jewish epic of turning America into a mindless attack dog trained to protect Israel while the latter implements the ancient Jewish project of wrecking every progress made by others, to take possession of the wreckage and rebuild it to fulfill the Jewish agenda.

The main action in this installment may be called battle of the Congressional resolutions. It started the way that things have been happening in America since the Jews began their conquest of the superpower half a century ago. But the Jewish method of creep-clawing their way into the American culture and burning the scoops they take-in to fuel their made-for-America Judeo-Yiddish culture –– came to a screeching halt when the effort bumped into the iron will of Ilhan Omar.

This is what happened: The Jewish lobby had managed to convince a number of states to force their citizens to buy what they don't need simply because it was made in Jewish occupied territories. Mindful of Federal laws that prohibit this kind of behavior, other states refused to follow suit. And so, the Jewish lobby drafted a resolution aimed at getting the Federal Congress to encourage the reluctant states to join what is beginning to look like the gang rape of the American public by the various levels of governments simply because the Jews are demanding it.

That's when Ilhan Omar came up with a counter resolution that would nullify the criminally minded toxic effects of the Jewish resolution. This is what triggered the ire of Philip Klein, prompting him to write the article that he did. He called Omar's argument bogus, instead of accepting the concept that to accuse her of delegitimizing Israel, is the bogus argument, given that only the Jews can do it to themselves.

Philip Klein's complaint is that Omar's resolution describes itself as, “Affirming that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.” He calls this, “a complete straw man,” and affirms that, “Nobody is arguing that any American be denied the ability to boycott Israel”.

He then does the thing that shows how Jews always end up shooting themselves in the foot. He says this: “State-level laws combating BDS prevent states from doing business with entities that boycott Israel. It means the restrictions only apply to entities seeking public money. Also, there are no restrictions on individuals boycotting against Israel –– just businesses or other entities.” There are two problems with all of that: One is of substance; the other of form.

At the level of substance, businesses pay tax, therefore have the right to all the services offered by the government, including a share of the public money to which they contribute. Yes, a government can prohibit individuals and companies from doing business with an enemy government –– especially in times of war –– but it cannot force individuals or businesses to do business with a friendly government at any time. To do so is as much an abomination as taxation without representation.

At the level of form, chaos will ensue when trying to enforce the anti-boycott provision on businesses. This will happen because every fanatic nobody of the David French kind will want to target company executives they don't like and accuse them of not buying Israeli products because they adhere to BDS and not because it makes no sense for them to buy Israeli products.

This will put the executives in the absurd position of having to prove a negative to defend themselves. And that's a satanic trick that could only have been produced by a fascisto-Nazi mentality of the most Jewish kind.

This is what Philip Klein is advocating for America in the name of all Jews; and this is what begs the question: How much longer will America put up with this kind of behavior?