Tuesday, July 23, 2019

They do it because someone lets them do it

If you ever wanted someone to come up with a blueprint that will show you how authoritarianism can creep unnoticed into a fortress of democracy, you have one such blueprint now. The project is still in the early stages of implementation, but you can already see the potential it will have to turn an oasis of enlightened freedom into an oppressive Stone Age kind of authoritarian rule.

Much of what you need to know about the calamity that's trying to descend on Academia –– recognized as America's last bastion of freedom –– is written about in an article that came under the title: “CAIR Joins Antisemitic Palestinian Advocacy Groups to Protest New Jersey BDS Bill,” authored by John Rossomando and published on July 18, 2019 in the Jewish online publication, Algemeiner.

What happened is that the Jewish lobby in America has proposed a bill in the Jewish-leaning Legislature of New Jersey, to ban on college campuses and in public schools, whatever the Jews will deem to be anti-Israeli rhetoric or deem to be related to the BDS movement. Seeing the horror show that this bill will create in America if turned into law, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has opposed the bill.

This is when John Rossomando decided to intervene. He put together an argument to push back against CAIR's own argument. His goal is to give a foothold to Jewish authoritarian rule in “friendly” New Jersey and make this accomplishment a precedent that can be used as model to metastasize the Jewish deed and spread it all over America like a terminal cancer.

Here is the argument upon which the Jewish bill is proposed: “Evidence from college campuses across the country shows that anti-Zionist activities against Israel lead to antisemitic actions against pro-Israel Jews”.

That is, Israel does the following: (1) It sends warplanes to bomb water treatment plants in blockaded and occupied Palestinian territories; (2) sends helicopter gunships to bomb UN run schools for Palestinians; (3) sends naval frigates to strafe and bomb Palestinian children playing on the beach. Watching this horror show unfold from afar, jubilant Jewish students in America celebrate on campuses and in schoolyards, encouraging Israel to do more of the same because it is God's command that must be obeyed without question.

Seeing this level of moral pornography brought onto their campuses and schoolyards, students, teachers and professors of every religion and ethnic background speak in opposition of the predatory and savage behavior they are witnessing. This kind of talk causes a thousand lungs to instantly shout from the rooftops: antisemitism, antisemitism. A thousand bellies crack open. And a thousand Jewish entrails pour out onto the landscape.

The aftermath remains there as enduring testament that will be recalled for centuries, testifying to the Jewish pain and suffering for being told they behaved badly at a time when they expected to be hugged and kissed for the good work they did to promote the interests of Israel and implement the will of God.

As if all this were not enough, the Jewish lobby intervened, and John Rossomando took up the task of explaining to the American public that CAIR is being unfair to oppose the Jewish bill before the New Jersey Legislature. If you ask why CAIR is being unfair, Rossomando will say it's because CAIR and other citizens wish to engage the Jews in a debate that the latter can never win. Why is that? Because the arguments relate to Jewish and Israeli indefensible crimes that were committed for decades and remain unpunished.

In effect what John Rossomando is whining about is the reality that if the Jews get in an open debate with somebody –– anybody at all –– about those activities, the Jews will be blown away like a toy in a hurricane. Here are the arguments against which neither Rossomando nor the Jewish lobby can offer any kind of counterargument with which to push back:

“Making allegations about the power of Jews as a collective. Accusing Jews of being loyal to Israel. Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. Comparing ISIS to Jewish guerrillas who used violence, terrorism, foreign fighters, clandestine arms shipments and foreign money, along with horrific ethnic cleansing of hundreds of Arab civilians, to create Israel. Calling for the freedom of Palestinians that live in all of historic Palestine. Referring to Israel as 1948-occupied Palestine. Arguing that the Zionist structures on the land of Palestine are illegal. Equating Israel's military with ISIS”.

And this is why the Jews want the government of New Jersey to step in and act like no Hitler, no Mussolini and no Stalin would have acted because they would have been loath to do something that's too Nazi-like even for Hitler, too Fascist-like even for Mussolini, and too Communist-like even for Stalin to stomach. But as you can see, this is behavior that's perfectly compatible with the Jewish culture.

It is a culture that the Jews are trying to inflict on the American people because––for some strange reason––the Jews are under the impression that of all the nations in the world, only America can be suckered into letting them do it.

And so, the Jews are doing it, believing they'll get away with it today, tomorrow and the day after.