Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Example of un-American Fifth-Column Cowardice

Looking in the mirror, seeing the full extent of your ugliness, and attributing the horror that you see to someone else, is one thing. Munching on the flesh of your benefactor and accusing those trying to stop your cannibalism, is another thing.

Cannibalism is what the notorious Andrea Widburg just did. She wrote an article under the title: “Ilhan Omar's ingratitude to the country that gave her refuge knows no bounds,” published on February 10, 2020 in The American Thinker. The following is what Widburg said about Ilhan Omar:

“Omar doesn't just bite the hand that feeds her; she gnaws up the arm, sinks her teeth into the jugular, and feasts on the blood. It's easy to come up with theories about her hatred for the land that gave her succor, but the reason doesn't matter. The fact is that she hates this country and is in a position of power and influence to effect negative change in America”.

Andrea Widburg may or may not have been reading this blog, but for many years, I have been chronicling all that the rescued inmates of the European concentration camps and their offspring, have been getting for themselves and for Israel by changing the American values and the laws that used to serve the country. They made things work for them and made them serve Israel to the detriment of the American interests.

The Jews took billions of dollars, and committed America by law to give them and Israel, trillions more at perpetuity. They dragged America into wars that cost it trillions of dollars, tens of thousands of dead young men and women, hundreds of thousands of permanently disabled veterans and thousands more who commit suicide every year. This happens when the veterans realize they were lied to. They could not live with the knowledge that they were sent to destroy countries, and kill and maim innocent foreigners, not to defend America, but to help Israel become the hegemon of the Middle East, and help the Jews take control of America and the world.

But what is it exactly that prompted the cannibalistic Jewish fruitcake named Andrea Widburg, to say that Ilhan Omar has shown boundless ingratitude? Actually, Widburg provided a link to a video showing Omar tell what's on her mind in her own words. Those who are interested can look at it. But Widburg also reported in writing what Omar had said. The problem is that she prefaced Omar's sayings in such a way as to change not only the meaning of what the House Representative was saying, but also the American values that existed before they were contaminated by the Judeo-Yiddish culture. What the contamination did, was kick out the courage that the Americans were famous for, and replace it with Jewish cowardice.

The following is a recreation of Ilhan Omar's words, stripped of the malicious Widburg distortions, and presented with the correct interpretation of what Omar was actually communicating:

“Ilhan Omar's gratitude to America and her responses deserve admiration. A video has emerged that picks up with Omar talking about American foreign policy. Her point is that Americans are so powerful they do not realize that what they do impacts the world, both positively and negatively. She postulates that when people see refugees, they think something bad happened to them in their homeland. Perhaps. But it behooves those that have much, to ask if their style of life is not contributing to the misery of those that have little. An example is climate change. Americans are so generous, they raise money to save people in countries plagued by floods, and yet they don't think that they may have contributed to that flood. The same goes for wars which are conducted with the use of American weapons. And there are the all-powerful multinationals whose desire to make profit drives them to exploit people abroad no less than they do Americans”.

You'll notice that unlike Andrea Widburg the Jew, Ilhan Omar the non-Jew is asking for nothing that might serve her interests or those of Somalia. On the contrary, she wants America to conserve her energies and deploy them at home where they will serve the American people.

So, guess what the Fifth Column, Jewish establishment did, and what it asked Andrea Widburg to tell the world. If you don't already know, hear it from Widburg herself … here is what she wrote:

“Thankfully, there is an option. Dalia al-Aqidi is a Muslim woman who was forced out of her war-torn Iraq and came to America. She kicked off her campaign with a video showing how she hopes to serve in Congress –– sitting in Omar's seat”.

It is one of the most cowardly acts known to be a feature of the Judeo-Yiddish culture. It is that the Jews found a way to pit one Muslim woman against another Muslim woman. They did it so that in the end, they can continue to change the American laws and values that used to serve America. Their intent is to continue making things work for them and continue to serve Israel to the detriment of the American people. Their cannibalism is alive today as much as it has been for decades.